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A first for real estate: Digital Title Orders

It all started with a survey.

In 2019, we asked 50,000 real estate agents what digital services they needed in their transaction solution to help them better serve their buyers and sellers.

Title services was a top choice.

Makes sense, right? I mean, ordering title is such a pivotal part of managing transactions. And yet, despite huge leaps in real estate technology, this particular process is time-consuming, laborious, disconnected. It’s known as a huge challenge for everyone involved, from real estate agents to title representatives to the consumer.

Not anymore. Now, Lone Wolf offers Digital Title Orders for Transactions.

With Digital Title Orders, we’ve created the industry’s first direct link between real estate agents and title agents, so that ordering title insurance is as easy as one-click.

The new feature is available to every agent in the U.S. through their national member benefit, Transactions (zipForm Edition), and the state/local member benefit, Transactions (TransactionDesk Edition). All they need is a login to get started.

I know it seems simple on the surface, but let me tell you, it was anything but.

Connecting real estate agents and title agents was like the wild west

The title industry, like real estate, is incredibly complex. Here’s a quick breakdown of what we were up against:

• There are over 4,500 title insurance companies in the US.
• There are tens of thousands of title agents who work for these companies.
• And there are several software companies who service these agents and companies.

Connecting real estate agents and title agents wasn’t a simple plug-and-play. It meant solving the challenges of hundreds of thousands of individuals and thousands of companies, all while leveraging the different tech they were all already using (because nobody wants another system to use or login to remember).

In other words, there was a Grand Canyon-sized gap between a ton of people, companies, and systems that no one had ever been able to bridge.

Until now.

But we couldn’t do it on our own

At Lone Wolf, we’ll do whatever it takes to give our customers what they want, and that includes building things, buying things, or partnering with someone who does that thing better than us.

Over the past year, we’ve partnered with some of the leading title providers in the country—starting with First American Title Company and RamQuest—who were equally committed to improving the transaction and title process.

With these individual partnerships in hand, we were able to forge the missing link between real estate agents and title agents, once and for all.

What Digital Title Orders means for real estate agents

There are some obvious benefits to Digital Title Orders:

• It’s faster, simpler, and easier than ever.
• It’s safe, secure, and completely digital.
• It’s real-time for accurate data at closing.

But to me, the greatest thing about Digital Title Orders is the collaborative spirit it represents.

The tech world is coming together right now and using its collective power to help propel real estate professionals into the digital era.

The goal of this collaboration is not to re-imagine your profession in some revolutionary way. Rather, the goal is to re-imagine the tech you use in your profession.

We want to make it so your job is what it’s always been, just easier for you and better for your clients.

Sounds simple, right? Good! That’s the whole point.

Digital Title Orders is real estate’s first digital title feature. From one-click orders and automatic status updates to real-time chat and secure document sharing, Digital Title Orders is the simpler, faster, better solution for ordering title insurance. Find about more about Digital Title Orders and how to get started here.