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My holy #&$! moment

I’m going to share some things I probably shouldn’t and ask for forgiveness afterwards.

Here is a loose transcript from a recent executive leadership meeting at Lone Wolf. I think that some context may help before I start. Since joining the company, I’ve felt like I’ve been drinking through a firehose. But this meeting was a real lightbulb moment for me.

We were discussing some immediate go-to-market product launches for our market-leading Broker Cloud solution. The conversation got pretty intense, and I thought the Inman audience would appreciate some behind-the-scenes action from the leading provider of real estate tech.

Featured in these notes are me (of course) and Matt Keenan, our Chief Revenue Officer (who published this amazing piece on the battle for buyers and sellers).

Full transparency—I took some creative liberty and formatted the meeting notes like a screenplay (because who wants to read meeting notes?!). But I promise this is an accurate representation of what was said and, perhaps more importantly, how it was said.

So, hold on, let me get this straight…
I know I’m the new guy here but…
Are you saying—

Are you late for your afternoon nap, Greg?! Spit it out already!

The rest of the executives laugh as Greg and Matt banter back and forth.

But seriously, think about what this means.No one else is doing this. We are going to leapfrog everyone in the space. I mean, holy—

Greg collects his thoughts and goes out of the frame of his Zoom camera and comes back.

So, at the listing presentation, the information from Cloud CMA can populate the listing agreement, that information goes into their transaction, then directly to the MLS. Then once a deal is done, agents do literally every other thing they need—the contracts, e-signatures, deposits, and now even order title—all in the same system, and all with the same data. That’s crazy awesome.

And then the data goes back and forth to the brokerage for all of the essential back office things too, like trust/escrow, closing, commissions, payouts, expenses…

Matt pauses dramatically to gear up for a big point, as he is known to do frequently.

You’re right, Greg. We’ll be able to say that transactions can start with a single set of data from a single solution—CMA for Brokers—and that data flows through every other Broker Cloud solution to create not only a seamless experience for all,but also a treasure trove of data for brokers on their agents, finances, and transactions, that they can then tap into at any time to directly impact their business’ profitability.

So yeah, the next wave for Broker Cloud is basically real estate from soup to nuts.

Silence fills the (virtual) room.

Holy &*#@, indeed.

There was more, but I’ll stop the story there. Anyway, my lightbulb moment was this:

Lone Wolf has made real estate tech for 32 years. In that time, the company’s served agents, brokerages, franchises, MLSs, and Associations of every shape and size and all talent and tenure. We’ve seen it all, done it all, and been through it all.

And yet, after this meeting, I realized: Nobody has all the necessary pieces in place to make a truly end-to-end digital transaction like Lone Wolf.

The future innovations we’ve got coming up are not far-off (notice that I said our meeting was for immediate go-to-market launches).

No, the future of real estate tech is not a bunch of disconnected tech. The future is a connected, digital experience and it is here, coming to a Broker Cloud near you.

Stay tuned for more.

Lone Wolf Broker Cloud is real estate’s leading suite of solutions for brokerages. Featuring Cloud CMA, Transactions, Back Office, Insights, and Recruit (coming soon!), Broker Cloud gives real estate brokers a complete and connected suite of digital technology to build a more productive, efficient, and profitable business. As real estate evolves, so does the Broker Cloud. Find out more about our upcoming groundbreaking launches, integrations, and innovations here.