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What these changes in the digital space mean for your team’s success

Today’s digital landscape is ever-evolving. With changes to Facebook’s advertising, the recent launch of Apple iOS 14 and the death of the third-party cookie (just to name a few), even digital experts are having difficulties navigating their way through changes. While some real estate teams may have the perfect setup to thrive in the digital space, you may find it difficult to tackle the ongoing challenges brought on by recent changes. Luckily, there are ways to consolidate important data and effectively utilize the most important tools your team needs to maintain a thriving growth trajectory in a sea of digital noise.

The bright side to the ever-changing world of marketing is that there are trusted real estate software partners with tools that are designed to help real estate teams stand out. These software solutions go beyond just the technology. They are built to identify quality leads, offer marketing tools and services and much more – allowing your team to play to their strengths to increase sales.

Here are digital marketing topics to keep in mind so you and your team can spend less time trying to find new leads and more time closing:

Reach the right audience through first-party data

The use of data-driven tactics is key to your future success. The “spray and pray” mentality of pixels and broad targeting audiences across Google or Facebook has changed. With the expected loss of third-party data, savvy teams will turn to the best data available: first-party or zero-party data. This is data you have collected yourself and that is stored in your real estate CRM.

Think of your team’s database as the holy grail of success. Consumers likely to do business with you (and those people just like them) have already expressed an interest. The next step is knowing how to effectively leverage this data to expand and target the best possible audiences. Instead of spending a large budget on a wide audience, use the first-party data available to you to narrow your audience and reach highly motivated leads for the lowest cost.

Free up your time by playing to your strengths

Every day, there are new consumer compliance regulations and various tracking restrictions (think GDPR or CCPA) in digital marketing. With so many changes impacting your campaigns, it’s near impossible for busy real estate agents to take the time to experiment with new strategies to find what’s most effective.

From reaching out to past clients for feedback, following up with new leads, and scheduling that open house for a new client, your team probably hasn’t much time to think about SEO, lead generation, content creation, etc. So, why not hire experts to do all that for you? At Propertybase, we offer team software and digital experts ready to tackle your team’s lead generation, PPC, SEO and more.

Contextual marketing makes a comeback

Every real estate professional knows their key demographic. Maybe you work in a town scattered with 55 and up communities, or with lots of luxury homes, or maybe you have experience working with a lot of first-time buyers and would like to target the next wave of homebuyers, Gen Z.

The true power of contextual marketing focuses on discovering what are your desired audience’s needs and their behaviors online, then tailoring your messaging and channels accordingly. It may be considered an old-school tactic, but one that many envision is making a comeback.

No matter how your team is structured, understanding the changes in the digital landscape will be vital to helping you achieve success.

John Voigt is the Director of Marketing Communications at Propertybase, a leading provider of global real estate and mortgage software. Are you looking to accelerate your team’s growth? Discover what Propertybase GO can do for you.