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The power of choice: why brokerages need an open ecosystem

It’s just a fact. No one can be good at everything. That’s why we have specialists and experts who hone their craft. The same goes for companies, brokers, and agents, too. You can be really good at a lot of things, but any one thing, person, or company promising to solve all of your problems is almost a guaranteed empty promise.

That’s where the open ecosystem comes in.

An open ecosystem benefits everyone. From the vendors building their tech solutions to the brokerages who choose to work with them, and the agents who use them daily. Opening up the choices you have in selecting your technology solutions, but integrating them under one roof opens up a whole new world of opportunity.

Years ago as we were building the MoxiCloud, we could have decided to go the way many had before: Try and build an “all-in-one” solution that, in reality, was siloed. Instead, we chose to focus our talents on the few products that we are experts in and then work with other best-in-class solutions to give our clients an all-around best-in-class solution all under one roof.

Here’s why the open ecosystem works:

You need your own technology cocktail

From our experience, no two brokerages are alike. To that end, each brokerage should have the power of choice. That means that every brokerage that works with us has the ability to mix their own unique cocktail of technology.

Brokerage A and B may be just a few miles apart, both with MoxiWorks, but could be (and likely are) operating completely differently from both the solutions they choose to put into their technology cocktail to the content they input into it.

It doesn’t benefit anyone to be chained to only a few options.

Make sure your technology provides an opportunity for growth

Being powered by an open ecosystem also means more opportunity for growth, knowledge and innovation. It means when the different companies you work with are able to work with each other directly to innovate, everyone wins!

We work with more than 150 integrated solutions. This opens up the opportunity for more collaboration, more innovation, and new ideas. We all win when we work to up-level our industry, together.

“What got you here won’t get you there.”

This Marshall Goldsmith quote is painted on the wall outside my office and I do firmly believe it. And it’s a big reason we made the very intentional decision to go the open ecosystem route. Working with so many other talented organizations that help our clients do more gives us added inspiration and helps us to avoid stagnation. And, the same goes for our clients. They have the opportunity to work with any number of partners that plug directly into their MoxiWorks solutions, always with the opportunity to mix things up and try a new recipe, all while always completely owning their data.

This is the healthy side of competition

This is such an exciting time to be in the real estate space and especially for those of us in the technology space. The amount of advancements, improvements and innovation on the way means we are on the brink of something even more special here and we believe that is especially true for those vendors and brokerages who believe in an open ecosystem.

Learn more about the MoxiCloud platform.

About MoxiWorks

MoxiWorks provides a comprehensive open platform to more than 800 brokerages and 400,000 agents. With a proven 54% increase in repeat and referral business for agents, MoxiWorks also lowers overall technology, training, and support costs for the brokerage. MoxiWorks’ support team, located in their Seattle HQ, consistently sees satisfaction rates over 90%.