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Agents: Boost your business through self-marketing and branding

Whether you’re new to real estate or have years of experience, growing your business and generating leads can be a challenge. In a market that is saturated with agents, everyone knows someone who is in the real estate business. What makes you different? How do you stand out from the crowd?

There isn’t a business out there that doesn’t do some type of marketing and brand promotion. As a real estate agent, you truly are your own business, and those same strategies apply to you. If you aren’t investing in yourself through marketing and branding, you are leaving money on the table.

Here are a few tips to help you boost your business through marketing and branding.

  1. Brand everything you do. Some people think a brand is something reserved for big enterprises and companies. Your brand is simply the perception that other people have of you and your business as a real estate agent. It’s up to you to make sure your brand is reflected in everything you do. Identify what makes you different from the others and highlight it everywhere; from obvious places like your business cards to unique places like on coasters at a local bar. Find ways to get your brand in front of as many people as possible.
  2. Get social. You’re on social media, but are you using it to its full advantage? If all you do is post listings and open houses, the answer is no. You need to create engaging content that will allow you to build a network of followers. Try posting humorous anecdotes or highlighting local businesses or restaurants. Create videos where you discuss market trends or share your experiences as an agent. Ask clients for feedback and start a testimonials campaign. The possibilities are endless!
  3. Utilize your website. According to the National Association of REALTORS®, 93% of buyers/sellers rely on real estate websites as a primary source of information when buying or selling a home. Your website should reflect your brand and send the same message as all your other marketing initiatives. If your website isn’t optimized, mobile-friendly, and easy to use, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Make sure you have the tools and analytics in place to help you capture and track leads so they continue to see your brand long after they’ve left your site.
  4. Be authentic. Discovering what your personal brand is and marketing it doesn’t mean developing a fake alter-ego or being something you’re not. People connect with others who they feel are genuine and honest. Make sure your brand represents who you are, not who you think potential clients want you to be. If people learn to trust you when they’re not looking to buy or sell, chances are they’ll turn to you when they are.

The only person who can control your personal brand is you. Your business as an agent is no different than any other business, and the more you invest in personal branding and self-marketing, the more your business will grow. Real estate agents are a dime a dozen. It’s up to you to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

About Iron Valley Real Estate

With over 800 agents at 31 locations across 6 states, Iron Valley is one of the fastest-growing brokerages in the country. We have a true belief in encouraging entrepreneurship and giving our agents the tools they need to succeed. We are known for offering some of the best splits in the business, but we are much more than that.

Iron Valley believes that a brokerage shouldn’t tell you how to run your business, it should power your business. It shouldn’t impose its vision of success on your own, it should give you the tools to bring your vision to life. Your brokerage should enable you to do what you do, and give you a platform to do it better. Your mark is yours to make. Go ahead and DO YOUR THING.

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