
Last call! Inman Connect New York presale is selling out

Agents, brokers, technologists, investors, property managers, marketers, mortgage professionals, teams — whatever your role, whatever your sector within real estate, Inman Connect New York (ICNY), Jan. 25-27, 2022, is for you. It is the ultimate gathering of real estate professionals where you’ll gain learnings, insights and connections to accelerate your growth.

We released a limited number of presale tickets, and they’re selling fast! We expect them to be gone soon, so reserve your spot now.

Presale tickets are exclusively for Select subscribers. Not a subscriber yet? Become one here to unlock your ICNY presale access, plus get unlimited access to all the latest news, views and best practices we publish on 

Buy your ticket today!

It has been a while since our last in-person gathering on the East Coast, and this year is extra special for several reasons.

  1. We’re at a new venue.
  2. It’s the 25th anniversary of Inman Connect.
  3. We get to reconnect with all of you!

We’re moving out of Times Square, just a few blocks away, to the Hilton Midtown. It’s a larger venue, in a slightly less crowded area so that you can have the best experience ever. Plus, you’ll have everything that Connect is known for: a stellar lineup, amazing content geared toward each sector of residential real estate and a variety of networking options to reconnect you with the real estate community. 

You will walk away with solutions you can implement and insights you can leverage to grow your business.