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Do it the old-fashioned way: Grow your business organically

Many of us want to become a trusted, sought-after agent in our local market. We hope to play a meaningful and valuable role in the lives of our clients, helping them find a space where they can express who they are and do the things that inspire them.

It’s no secret that in most markets, agents are a dime-a-dozen, and getting business can be challenging. After all, in order to help our clients, we actually need to have clients to help! There are plenty of paid services out there that promise to funnel leads your way, but are they really worth it?

From time-to-time, you may find a paid lead gen needle in the haystack. However, if you really want to rise to the top, try doing it the old-fashioned way. Here are some tips to help you grow your business organically:

  1. Get personal. Nothing beats personal interaction. This has become more challenging in a contactless, COVID world, but it is still possible. Set up a booth at local fairs, craft shows, markets, etc. Talk to people while you’re in line at the grocery store, at the gym, at a coffee shop (and be sure to give them a business card or two). When you can’t get direct facetime, send farming postcards with your picture on them to the top neighborhoods in your area. Do whatever it takes to get your face in front of anyone and everyone.
  2. Get involved locally. Becoming a recognized face in your community is a great way to be top-of-mind when potential clients are looking to buy or sell. Get involved with a local charity or non-profit. Sponsor local high school sports teams. Join a local chamber of commerce and attend their mixers and events. You want your face to become synonymous with real estate in your area.
  3. Ensure your clients (and everyone they know) are clients for life. When all the paperwork is signed and the sale is final, that doesn’t mean your work is done. Send your clients birthday cards, Christmas cards, anniversary cards. Bring personalized gifts for your clients to closing. Host a client appreciation happy hour, or better yet, invite all your clients over for an appreciation barbeque. This type of personal connection ensures that you will not only remain as their agent, but you’re likely to get referrals through them as well.

Most times, these actions won’t lead to an immediate listing. It’s important to remember that you’re laying a foundation. Growing your business is a marathon, not a sprint. If you make an impression with people, they’ll think of you when they’re ready to buy or sell, and they’ll recommend you to others. If you put in the work and practice patience, you will be rewarded!

Iron Valley Real Estate is a fast-growing brokerage with the mission to democratize opportunity in the real estate space by giving real estate professionals the tools they need to succeed. They support their agents and owners with an ironclad brand that stands out from the pack, which is designed to be both recognizable and flexible enough to use with your own materials. Plus, their back-end system comes with all the tools needed to generate leads and stay engaged with clients. Come grow with them!