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The 5 biggest website mistakes: tips from our experts

Agent Image has launched over 24,000 websites; This gives us keen insight into common mistakes real estate professionals make when building a website. Knowing the pitfalls to avoid is just as important as identifying the focal points of your digital brand-building strategy.

With that being said, let’s get into the five biggest website mistakes and their solutions with tips from our experts.

1. Diving in without a plan

Too many agents think hiring a designer is all they have to do to establish an effective web presence—this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Your online efforts should tie in clearly to a long-term strategy from the very beginning.

Every agent should be able to answer the following questions:

What is the primary goal of your website?
What kind of content do your customers want to see on your site?
What makes you different from your competitors, and how do you highlight your advantages on your site?

2. Ignoring SEO

As much as we wish it to be otherwise, nobody will find a website if they aren’t being led there by a purposeful SEO strategy.

Owning a well-designed website is just the first step. What gets your website noticed by your audience is search engine optimization. SEO is the difference between being relevant and simply existing. “While having a beautifully designed website is integral to your business, you’re missing a huge opportunity for brand exposure and lead generation without a proper SEO strategy.” shared Jon Krabbe, Co-Founder, Agent Image.

3. Missing the boat with mobile users

Research shows 58.5% of all web traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices. It’s a stunning figure if you take into account the number was just 6.09% in 2011. Optimizing your website for mobile users is necessary if you want your website to succeed.

“Website design has to accommodate the mobile user, and that means cleaner design— especially text, graphics, and images easily viewed on a small screen,” said Krabbe. “Also, load speed is critical, especially if you want to rank well on Google.”

4. Choosing words that aren’t yours

Consistently posting original content is undoubtedly important. Still, due to time constraints, many agents end up cutting corners and publishing information written by someone else rather than spending the effort to craft something unique.

Here’s a tip from the top pro at Agent Image. “From Google’s perspective, it’s better to post something original, relevant, and interesting to your audience, even if it is short. Avoid the urge to copy the information you found on another website,” said Noe Torre, Director of Content at Agent Image. “If you can’t make a time commitment to craft content on your own, firms like ours can help get the content written for you.”

5. Skimping on video content

In addition to high-quality photos, you should also include plenty of video content on your site. If you want to catch attention and encourage higher engagement, you are better off with a short, impactful video rather than a static image.

“Some agents are doing video bios and introductions to different sections on a website which creates a more personal experience with their target audience,” said Brian Shorr, VP of Business Development, Agent Image.

Avoid the biggest website mistakes with Agent Image

Building an effective online presence can be tricky and present unique challenges — but it’s far from impossible. Trust the experts at Agent Image to use 22 years of industry experience to help you stand out online and grow your business.