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5 questions to ask when selecting an AI sales assistant

When leads enter your CRM platform, it’s natural to want to focus on the individuals who present the greatest opportunity for now-business. However, as leads continue to pour in — whether you’ve identified them as good, bad, or somewhere in-between —– anyone in your database left uncontacted has the potential to be your next client.

Many successful teams have begun to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) within their business to reach and nurture every lead. As you consider AI, here are five pieces of criteria to evaluate AI tools within the market. (Keep in mind that these qualifications focus on AI for lead conversion as there is now a broad use case for using AI.)

Does this AI figure out the why and the what?

As a real estate agent, you are the center of every transaction. That’s why you should deploy AI that focuses on the what and the why. Many AI scripts or bots focus on extracting characteristics about the home, such as the number of beds/baths, location, etc. These scripts drive the agent-client relationship to be transactional instead of relational. By understanding more of the motivation of the home buyer or seller, you can create a stronger relationship. CINC AI was designed to focus on the why and not the what.

How does this AI integrate with your CRM or 3rd party tools?

Real estate companies operate with many different pieces of technology. In many cases, too many solutions make it difficult for agents to adopt every piece of software and can create data integrity problems. AI built directly into your CRM gives you the power to have one tool to train agents on and all the data in one spot. The more information AI knows about the client (properties viewed, timeframe to purchase, etc), the better the AI will ask questions.

Can this AI use drip campaigns to follow up?

AI typically serves as the initial connect point after a lead registers. It’s important to find an AI solution that engages at the point of registration when website behavior increases and nurtures through a follow-up campaign. Your follow-up should send when the consumer has completed the best combination of actions (for example, after they have viewed the same property four times). A follow-up drip campaign allows you to stay top of mind with consumers (even when they are not ready). The longer the AI drip campaigns run, the more successful in driving agent-ready leads.

When does this AI respond to leads?

As a busy agent, the opportunity to connect with every lead as soon as it registers is a difficult task. AI can be used as a backup when you are on the go. AI doesn’t replace you but makes you more powerful to convert online leads. Within the market, some AI can be turned on/off based on your team’s office hours. AI operates 24/7, even while you are sleeping. This allows your clients to get assistance while they are searching and then connect you for the next steps.

Is this AI bilingual?

If you are in a multilingual community, it’s not always easy to recruit and retain bilingual agents. Plus it can be difficult to recognize the leads in your database who might not speak English. AI can be used as a tool to help you identify and carry on conversations with non-English speaking clients.

CINC AI is a solution designed to multiply the agent’s ability to build human relationships. CINC clients who deploy CINC AI have seen the number of clients moved to their pipeline state of appointment set double. As technology advances, AI will continue to be valuable for agents who leverage it, not just to be transactional but to build trust with buyers and sellers.