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Are your communication skills costing you business?

We have all been there. You think of precisely what to say hours or days after it is needed.

While some people are naturally excellent communicators, for most of us, it is a skill we have to develop. As an agent, your livelihood depends upon your strong communication skills. It is not the time to lose a potential client because of a typo or a simple miscommunication. Here are seven easy ways to help you communicate better.

Ask and listen more than you talk

One of the easiest ways to make someone feel important and heard is to ask them questions about themselves and their interests. But, here is the critical part: pause and allow them to do most of the talking. The skill of asking great questions during a conversation takes practice, but keep at it, and you will reap ample rewards.

Simplicity is critical. Keep it short and straightforward

It’s familiar to all of us. A meeting scheduled at 2:00 PM was poorly run and rambled until 5:00 PM. When speaking to clients or colleagues, be respectful of their time and yours and keep it short and straightforward.

Manners matter

While this one should be self-explanatory, sometimes it isn’t. Remember, always use your manners. It is also important to avoid slang or terms that your audience might not know well. When speaking, resist the urge to make controversial jokes involving religion or politics. And speaking of manners, remember, don’t interrupt. As agents, our phones are a critical part of our livelihood, so if you must talk on the phone while in public, leave the room and find someplace quiet to talk so everyone around you doesn’t have to hear your conversation.

Keep your focus on the other person

The best communicators are very good at genuinely paying attention to the person they are speaking with. They put away their phone, ignore notifications, and focus on the person they are conversing with; making eye contact while listening is essential to show that you are listening to what the other person is saying. Lastly, by focusing entirely on the other person, you can pick up important social cues that can give insight into what the other person is thinking or feeling while also building trust.

Listen. Really listen

More than we want to admit, when others are talking, our minds focus more on deciding what we want to say rather than listening and processing. An easy way to break this habit is to restate what you just heard, or if you have questions, ask for clarification.

Pay attention to your body language

While listening, practice active listening. Active listening is smiling or frowning when the other person is speaking, nodding or raising your eyebrows if called for, and maintaining comfortable eye contact. Actively listening shows that you are not just listening but processing what the speaker is saying. Also, be careful not to fidget, bounce your knees, or tap your foot. You want to ensure that your body language conveys that you want to be there listening, even if you might not feel that way.

Practice makes perfect

Practice! The more you practice good social skills, the more natural they’ll become. You’ll eventually find yourself excelling at in-person communication.

Click here if you are ready to improve your communication skills and get some proven templates to help you communicate more effectively with clients.

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