
Tech-driven horizons: The evolution of building and construction

Inman Access is here to deliver new information straight from industry experts to help increase your knowledge and grow your business. Today’s video discusses how proptech is playing a vital part in providing seamless, high-quality services and experiences in multifamily buildings.

How Technology Is Impacting The Way Developers Build And Construct

In today’s rapidly evolving world of technology, real estate is undergoing a profound transformation from a historically building-centric view of development to a tenant-centric view. In today’s video Eric Brody, ANAX Real Estate Partners, sheds light on how proptech is revolutionizing multifamily building and what that means for the future.

It is becoming clear that proptech is more than just a passing trend, but is creating large shifts in the industry. Developers are now investing more time and effort in understanding the needs of future tenants, enhancing the living experience of new buildings, reimagining the way buildings are designed, constructed and managed, plus much more. 

Tune in with Inman Access to continue learning about the potential for innovation and technology in the real estate space and how crucial it is becoming for developers to embrace these new opportunities.

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