
Industry experts on raising price points and the future of innovation

In today’s dynamic real estate market, it’s crucial to stay informed and knowledgeable about the latest industry trends and best practices. Joining Inman Access unlocks an entire library of video content designed to educate, inspire and empower real estate professionals.

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Top Tips and Strategies for Raising Your Price Point

Aside from keeping up with current market trends and technologies, here is what else you can do to attract luxury buyers and sellers as potential clients and take your business to the next level. Learn how it’s done from experts.

Innovation Prospects in the Current Market Landscape

In a market with low inventory and higher interest rates, what’s happening with innovation? Industry visionaries look at both the opportunities and wreckage caused by the last wave of proptech and innovation, and what is to come in the future.

Join Inman Access to unlock the videos above, plus an entire library of content curated to keep you up to date on the latest industry trends and helpful tips.

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