
Coaching as a catalyst for unleashing your potential

Are you looking for the key to unlock the next level of your personal and professional growth? 

Most real estate professionals are in constant pursuit of their next growth edge. In the case of most success stories, coaching is the tool that pushes agents over the edge. Time and time again, when you ask those agents that stand out from their sales volume to their marketing and their networking, coaching consistently shows up as the game changer. 

Whether you are a real estate agent navigating the ever-changing real estate landscape or if you are an individual pursuing personal growth, the support, mentoring, and accountability an expert coach can offer you is nothing short of transformative. 

We want to help you discover whether or not coaching is right for you at this time. We will discuss the significance of hiring a coach, what coaching truly entails, what it means to be coachable, and the optimal time to step into your next level of personal and professional success.

What is coaching?

A coach is someone who can help you clarify and map out the path to your specific goals. They act as a guide who illuminates your blindspots, growth edges and helps you identify the most efficient and effective way forward. It’s an ongoing relationship that aims at unleashing your potential and achieving desired outcomes related to both personal growth and professional success.

Coaching is not therapy or akin to crisis intervention. This isn’t a service that is requested only in times of difficulty or trouble. Rather it’s an ongoing partnership aimed at harnessing your potential and motivating you toward sustainable excellence. Think, forward momentum. 

Coaching can be specific to a business plan. It can focus on work-life balance strategies. Coaching can help you address new tools and strategies to incorporate into your day-to-day business practices.

Coaching can help you create more effective communication styles and proactive problem-solving. Coaching can help motivate you and keep you accountable. Coaching can provide you with new tools and information to work your sphere of influence and streamline your systems.

Most importantly, coaching can support you in reaching your next level when everything you’ve already tried seems like it can’t get you any further.

Are you coachable?

The key ingredient of a successful coaching relationship and your desired results is being coachable. 

Being coachable is about receptivity, willingness and having an open mind. Being coachable is not meant to imply blindly following directives. It does, however, mean you are willing to learn, and have a solid commitment to your growth. When you’re coachable, you’re willing to be humble enough to receive the guidance and feedback your coach offers. This includes identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement.

For real estate agents specifically, being coachable means you acknowledge that even if you are a seasoned professional, there is room to learn, adapt and grow. Are you open to new strategies? Do you embrace feedback? Do you value the fresh perspectives that a coach can provide? 

In a broader context, coachability is a trait that transcends professions – it’s a mindset that can lead to breakthroughs in any aspect of life.

When is the best time to begin coaching?

When was the best time to invest in a home? Well as everyone in the real estate industry knows, 20 years ago. But when is the second best time? It is now. This same principle applies to finding and hiring a coach.

The optimum moment to start coaching is often when it feels inconvenient  or maybe you don’t feel you have the time, when life feels challenging or you feel you’ve reached a plateau or find yourself “settling.” As those in the realm of personal development know, when we settle or stand still, we actually lose ground and fall behind because things are in a constant state of change.

Have you considered hiring a coach and decided against it because of the financial investment? Or, perhaps, because of the time commitment? This is exactly when a coach’s guidance can be life-changing and help you reframe how and why you prioritize your personal and professional development (or not). 

What would it be like to have an expert guide support and move you through your own limitations and self-imposed roadblocks? 

How can you allow yourself to let the seed of time and money you choose to invest grow exponentially? 

Your coaching experience should reap dividends for years to come.

Proactively hiring a coach during prosperous times is transformational and can help propel you to the next level of your career and life… and get you miles ahead of the curve.

What results does coaching create?

As a real estate agent, coaching can level up your skills, refine your strategies, and allows you to emerge as an even stronger, more confident and accomplished version of yourself. Coaching transcends not only professional growth but also your personal growth and proves its worth in achievement, excellence and skillset.

From increased revenue to consistency of business, a stronger and more full pipeline to a more cohesive and integrated team, coaching creates both immediate and long-term results. Whether you are an agent navigating a strong market or you are looking for personal mastery, consider the profound value of hiring a coach. 

If you are ready to unlock your next level of personal and professional success and fulfillment, we hope that this helps you seriously consider the possibility of being coached and approaching that possibility in the most informed way.

Key tips:

  • Give your coaching experience an opportunity to work by being present, committed and attentive
  • Don’t rush to the next shiny object of coaching options
  • Don’t try all the flavors of coaching all at once

There are many styles of coaching to choose from. Different length programs. Different coaches to hire with their own unique talents, gifts and approaches to coaching. Get clear with yourself on what you need or allow yourself to get clear as you speak to different coaches.

Melanie C. Klein, M.A. and Emily Bossert are two highly sought-after coaches known for empowering individuals and teams to achieve their full potential and success. Melanie has written and contributed to over 9 books on empowerment, personal transformation, and cultivating resilience. Emily is a highly regarded real estate Sales Manager and co-hosts The 6AMers. Together, they co-coach a 90-day group coaching program offering over 52 years experience at the intersection of mindfulness, embodiment, conscious leadership and entrepreneurship.