
10 things to do when your real estate team isn’t vibing

Team dynamics play a crucial role in the real estate industry. A cohesive and motivated team can lead to successful property transactions, effective management and satisfied clients.

However, there are times when the team vibe can be off, impacting productivity and results. Here’s what to do when your real estate team’s vibe is off.

If you’re a sole practitioner, consider your brokerage as your extended team.

1. Identify the root cause

The first step in addressing a dissonant team vibe is to identify the root cause. It could be due to personal conflicts, communication breakdowns or external pressures such as market challenges.

In real estate, recognizing the source of the problem is essential. For instance, if a decline in property sales is affecting team morale, addressing market conditions becomes a priority.

2. Open communication channels

Effective communication is vital. Encourage team members to express their concerns, ideas, and feedback openly. In a real estate context, this means regular meetings to discuss challenges, brainstorm solutions, and ensure everyone’s voice is heard. Some of the most important real-time context comes from sharing a boots-on-the-ground perspective.

3. Foster collaboration

Real estate transactions often require teamwork. Encourage collaboration among team members to solve problems collectively. In a property development project, for example, collaboration between architects, builders and real estate agents is crucial for a smooth process.

4. Set clear goals and expectations

Define clear goals and expectations for your team. In the real estate sector, this could involve setting sales targets, project milestones, or key performance metrics. When everyone knows what is expected of them, it can improve motivation and focus.

5. Recognize and reward achievements

In real estate, recognizing and rewarding achievements can boost team morale. Acknowledge outstanding performance, whether it’s closing a significant deal or completing a property project ahead of schedule.

6. Offer professional development

Provide opportunities for team members to enhance their skills and knowledge. For example, offering training on the latest market trends, investment strategies, marketing innovations or property management techniques.

7. Emphasize work-life balance

The real estate industry can be demanding, and burnout is a real concern. Encourage a healthy work-life balance to ensure team members stay motivated and avoid excessive stress. This may have a great lasting impact as the industry emerged from the pandemic- there has been more open discussion about the challenges that can surround the industry.

8. Lead by example

Leaders in the real estate industry should set a positive example. Display professionalism, resilience, and adaptability, which can inspire team members to do the same.

9. Embrace diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are important in real estate, as they bring different perspectives and ideas to the table. Create an inclusive environment where all team members feel valued and included. Additionally, this then more accurately reflects the world in which we reside.

10. Seek professional guidance

If team dynamics continue to be a challenge in the real estate context, consider seeking the assistance of a professional coach or mediator who specializes in real estate team dynamics.

Maintaining a positive team vibe in the real estate industry is essential for success. By identifying the root cause of issues, promoting open communication, and fostering collaboration, real estate teams can overcome challenges and work effectively.

Ongoing recognition of achievements, providing professional development opportunities, and embracing diversity can also contribute to a harmonious and productive team. 

Nikki Beauchamp is an advisor with Sotheby’s International Realty in New York City. Connect with her on LinkedIn.