
BHGRE honored by PR News for commitment to diversity

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Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate (BHGRE) has earned a Diversity in PR Award as the result of its 2015 research efforts, which included surveys of the LGBT community, Hispanic women and Chinese Americans.

According to a press release by BHGRE, The PR News Diversity Awards “honor organizations that are making new and concerted efforts to address diversity and inclusion issues. It recognizes newly implemented programs that are intended to improve ethnic diversity so it permeates all levels and divisions of the organization.”

Anti-discrimination, buying power and feng shui

Last year, BHGRE teamed up with the National Association of Gay and Lesbian Real Estate Professionals (NAGLREP), the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) and the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) to examine the homebuying and homeownership experiences of people within the LGBT, Hispanic and Asian communities through three separate studies.

The LGBT study with NAGLREP had perfect timing, as it was published right before the historic Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality.

The findings showed “overwhelming appreciation of intent toward homeownership, but illustrated concerns that deserve industry awareness,” said BHGRE. The primary concerns and needs of LGBT buyers and renters included neighborhood safety, residing in a state with anti-discrimination ordinances and living in progressive communities.

The Hispanic Women Survey with NAHREP highlighted the buying power of Hispanic women from the ages of 25 to 60. The study showed that 91 percent of Hispanic women think a home is the best investment they can make, and furthermore, 61 percent think they’ll play a larger role than their partner in their next home purchase.

Lastly, the Feng Shui Survey with AREAA examined how the ancient design philosophy of feng shui impacts Chinese American homebuyers when choosing a home.

The results showed that 86 percent of Chinese American buyers considered a home’s feng shui during the homebuying process, and 79 percent are willing to pay more for a home that follows feng shui’s principles.

Inspiring ‘thoughtful discussions’ to meet all client needs

Sherry Chris

Sherry Chris, the president and CEO of BHGRE, says the three studies are an integral part of the brokerage’s commitment to understanding and increasing diversity.

“Our brand’s unique research and strategic partnerships with key industry organizations are large factors within our diversity platform,” Chris said in a press release.

“Our collaborative thought leadership continues to open doors for more thoughtful discussions as to how we as an industry can customize and enhance our service to the varied needs of each and every client. It’s an honor to be recognized by such an esteemed organization focused on strategic communication, marketing and vision.”

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