
Podcast: 11 action steps to prepare for any real estate market

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If you knew for sure that six months from now the market would be in a different place than it is today, what would you be doing differently now?

We have 11 surefire, practical, no-nonsense tips for action that you can take to prepare yourself.

Start with your mindset: Are you motivated? Positive? Are you clear about what your opportunity is in this shift?

Don’t live in fear of someone asking you about the market. Know it. Become a master of facts: days on market, absorption rates, list-to-sale ratios. Start reconnecting with those past clients and center of influence.

Your clients don’t need a deliverer of good news when things are rosy. But they do need truth-teller in their corner when the market gets tough.

Never stop learning. Invest in the tools you need and the coaching and accountability you will thrive with; stay away from all other consumer debts except your 30 year/low rate home mortgage.

Become a leader. You can’t do this with your head in the sand. Have your own back and don’t discount this information just because it’s unpopular.

You can make money in any market. So, what market are you in now and what market will you be in a year from now?

It won’t matter if you take these steps — because you’ll be prepared for anything.


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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.