
3 tips for nailing your Facebook target audience in real estate

Andrey Armyagov /

Nearly eight in 10 online Americans (79 percent) now use Facebook, more than double the share that uses Twitter (24 percent), Pinterest (31 percent), Instagram (32 percent) or LinkedIn (29 percent), according to Pew Research Center.

That makes Facebook marketing — huge. Both paid and organic. It can add incredible value to your real estate business.

Finding your target market

But before we can even talk about Facebook, you have to know your target audience first. As I work with agents from across the country, I hear the same thing far too often, “I don’t know.”

I think FOMO (fear of missing out) is a very real thing in real estate! For many real estate agents, the moment you start asking them to focus on a specific area or group of people, they get all clammy and start sweating. We all know: when we chase two rabbits, we catch none.

Quickly, ask yourself these five questions:

  1. Who do I naturally relate to?
  2. What type of person do I offer the most value to?
  3. First-time homebuyers or empty nesters downsizing?
  4. Is there a certain city you are naturally a growing expert of?
  5. Buyers or sellers?

Those questions aren’t the holy grail, but the answers will begin to help you shape your “target market” in your head.

Now, let’s talk Facebook!

3 way to nail your target audience on Facebook

1. Leverage the emails you already have

You can run targeted ads with specific emails that you import into Facebook.

Here’s the value: if you have someone’s email, you probably know them or have at least met them.

So when Facebook uses those emails to find the users who are associated with them, you have a greater chance at success in connecting with them because they already know you.

You’re now remaining top-of-mind and positioning yourself to be the first call when they are ready to buy or sell.

2. Organically tell your story

In an industry like real estate, which is highly relational, the reason someone chooses to work with you may have nothing to do with real estate.

You might work out together, go to church together, both have young kids or both have a spouse in the military.

We never know what it will be, but when we find those connections, it makes selling so effortless! As a real estate agent, one of the worst things you can do is try and compartmentalize your life.

You are an agent everywhere you go and at all times. So let your personal and business life mix.

Create Facebook Live videos at your kid’s games. Talk about what’s going on.

If you’re into yoga, post about it, and then mention how you love getting yoga in before your first listing appointment.

Now you’ve combined personal and business without being an annoying, begging salesperson. It works.

3. Become a news source for the type of person or city/community you choose to target

Everyone wants to know what’s new: the restaurants, schools, communities and shopping centers that are popping up in town. Break those stories on your Facebook.

Put content out there that is worthy of people reading and sharing.

If you do, you are accomplishing two things: you’re putting things out there that are attractive to your target audience, and you are establishing yourself as the expert. And everyone wants to work with an expert.

This can be accomplished easily through Facebook Live. Interview business owners, tour the local schools and do live q-and-as with your target audience.

There are a million articles about using Facebook ads, but very few agents understand the value in organically reaching your targeted audience as well.

Commit to this, and you will see the fruits of your labor — and it will cost you basically nothing.

Kyle Draper is the president and co-founder of Connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Instagram.

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