
How to generate leads like a pro

Photo credit: Kyle Espeleta

Does your lead generation plan need a refresh?

Katie Kossev

Then get inspiration on how to maintain and sustain your lead gen strategy from the pros at Inman Connect New York.

Moderator Katie Kossev of Intero Real Estate Services Houston sat down with Shari Porter, real estate salesperson with Better Homes & Gardens Rand Realty, and Rob Lyszczarz, president of RE/MAX Select to talk about what works for them.

4 musts for lead generation

Lyszczarz says there are four sustainable things you can do to generate listings.

  1. Have a mission statement, and know where you want to go.
  2. Offer value-driven communication.
  3. Commit — because lead gen won’t happen if you don’t.
  4. Measure the results.

Pro tips on lead gen

“I hit the ground running with interns,” Porter said.

You would be surprised how many colleges are looking for internships for their students, she said.

Porter applied through the local college, and in exchange for college credit hours, she gets free workers. And it’s an amazing exchange because the students get experience, and they bring new ideas and a fresh perspective. Also, the students are sharing their lives on social media, and their families are grateful and want to refer business to the agent they know.

Shari Porter

Porter said she’s even done business with the president of the school.

She has also had massive success with seminars, but not just first-time buyer seminars; she also educates empty-nesters and people who haven’t sold a home in 30 years.

“I’m so passionate about seminars,” Porter said.

Hosting seminars is a long game, though. It’s all about planting seeds. Porter said that every time she feels like seminars aren’t working, a year or two later she gets a sale or two generated from those events.

Rob Lyszczarz

How do you get people there? Feed them.

But the key is not to hold it at your business. Instead, she hosts them at libraries or town halls.

Libraries in particular are amazing because they basically do the outreach for you in the form of events mailers and emails.

When you go to a library, tell them you like to educate the community, that you want to give back.

There was a time that I thought this business was unfair, but now I realize that this business is fair, you get paid when you solve someone’s problem, Lyszczarz said.

It’s a contribution model. When you’re trying to help someone, you get paid.

Email Dani Vanderboegh