
3 tips for crafting a solid brand message

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Have you noticed that your real estate business has been slowing down lately? Are you putting out social media posts or other content to the sound of crickets? Have you perhaps switched brokerages several times over the last 10 years?

If so, it is likely that your brand is missing the mark!

No need to beat yourself up about this because branding is one of the most common challenges among real estate professionals. As you know, you weren’t taught anything about how to build a profitable real estate brand when you were studying for your license.

However, lucky for you, I am here to help you hit the refresh button on your real estate branding and make sure it’s perfectly tailored to deliver the results you’ve been wishing for.

1. Figure out your message

The message of your brand is its centerpiece, and for that reason, it requires the most attention. More often than not, if you are not captivating and converting clients at a high rate, it comes down to a broken brand message. Once we get that fixed, every other element of your real estate brand will begin to fall into place.

Although this is the biggest piece of the branding puzzle, it is surprisingly easy to nail down using the exercises below. Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • What comes easily to you?
    • What do people commend you for?
    • What could you talk about for hours on end?
    • What sets you apart from other agents in your area?
    • Why do people say they chose you over your competition?
  • What is the biggest impact you make in your work?
    • What is the biggest takeaway that comes from working with you over the competition?
  • Who specifically do you help?
    • Who is your ideal client?

When answering the questions above, do a complete brain dump. In other words, write down everything that comes to mind without worrying about editing because that comes later.

2. Show your confidence and be concise

One major benefit of an effective real estate brand is that it will position you as an expert worthy of the trust and business of your ideal clients. However, that will require you to craft a brand message that exudes confidence.

Once you have your answers to the questions above, and you have poured your heart and soul into answering them truthfully, it is time to start editing them to show that confidence. The more concise you can be, the more powerful and profitable you will be.

Obviously, that can be easier said than done, so next is another exercise to help you deliver that powerful and punchy message — and it centers around one word: Benefits.

3. Clarify the benefits of hiring you

You must be able to communicate how your ideal clients will benefit from working with you.

To identify those benefits, start by making a list with two columns. On the left side, write a list of the top 10 things that you help your clients accomplish. On the right side, write down the benefit of each thing that you do for them.

Here are a couple of examples:

The service I provide How it benefits my ideal clients
I help first-time buyers understand the home buying process. Buyers have less stress and get the most house for their money.
I hire the best vendors to market every listing, including photographers, videographers and real estate writers. Their property gets the best exposure to attract high-quality buyers and attract competitive offers.

The magical glue that connects the two columns is the phrase “so that.” For example: I help first-time buyers understand the home buying process so that they have less stress and get the most house for their money.

By inserting those two little words between your talents and the benefits they provide, you will be able to design a dynamite real estate brand message.

By investing the time to craft a concrete brand message that resonates with your ideal clients, you will see a true transformation in results and revenue for years to come.

Sarah Layton is the real estate content marketing expert behind and owner of Layton Media.