
What do you think of NAR’s latest ad campaign?

Photo credit: National Association of Realtors

The National Association of Realtors on Monday released its “Look for the R” advertising campaign, which builds on last year’s “That’s Who We R” national branding push.

The campaign is the latest in the trade association’s efforts to distinguish Realtors from agents not affiliated with NAR.

“This year, the campaign will show them what that difference looks like, in action,” NAR President Vince Malta said in a statement. “The ‘Look for the R’ evolution clearly positions Realtors as real estate professionals who adhere to a Code of Ethics and make property ownership a reality through expertise and fair and ethical treatment.

NAR is launching both 15- and 30-second versions of the television advertising campaigns. Those campaigns will extend into terrestrial audio, online video, social media and branded content partnerships, according to NAR.

The association also plans to create new campaign assets that local Realtors and member associations can leverage locally.

The campaign, once again created in partnership with Havas, a multinational advertising firm, attempts to focus on the “authentic, human moments,” in the path towards homeownership. It also attempts to highlight the relationship between Realtors and consumers.

The ads use a mix of visual and verbal cues, according to NAR, to make the “R” mark memorable, all while using creative depictions of the “R” logo.

Email Patrick Kearns