
Take Inman’s 2nd real estate coronavirus survey here

It was about four weeks ago when Inman asked how you were doing. In retrospect, it seems like an eternity ago.

Beginning March 30, an Inman survey asked real estate professionals to weigh in on how they were doing physically and emotionally, and to gauge what kind of impact the coronavirus pandemic might have on their livelihoods. The responses suggested most people felt the pandemic would be a significant event, though at the time many were still yet to feel its impacts.

Fast forward to the present, though, and it’s safe to say that conditions are different. Lockdown orders are ubiquitous, deaths have topped 50,000 and a political divide has emerged over how to deal with the situation.

We want to know how you’re hanging in there now. Below are a set of questions that are similar to the ones we asked in March. Fill them out and give us an updated sense of how you’re coping with the crisis.

Email Jim Dalrymple II