
Take Inman’s survey on real estate coaching here

In today’s virtual, work-from-home environment, agents are seeking training and coaching in entirely new ways. In August, we’re laser-focused on what defines good coaching today and how to get the most out of it.

Coaching in real estate has been around for decades, but amid an ongoing boom in technology, the growth of social media and now a global pandemic, the field continues to evolve. Indeed what was once all about cranking up an agents’ stats has since morphed into a holistic tradition that seeks to improve both careers and lives generally.

But we want to know how you feel about coaching. Below are a series of questions for real estate professionals who have used coaches, may use coaches in the future, or even who have avoided coaches. Feel free to expand on your thoughts in the comments, and check back in the coming weeks to see a breakdown on the responses to these questions.

Email Jim Dalrymple II