
3 simple ways to show gratitude this year 

Photo by Nicholas Bartos on Unsplash

Although it has been a whirlwind of a year, there’s so much we have to be grateful for. As a CEO, it’s essential to lead with gratitude every day.

It’s also imperative to act on sharing appreciation, especially as we enter a new year. Below, I’ve outlined three ways to show gratitude this year.

Verbalize your thanks

Instead of sending your usual email or text messages thanking your colleagues, next time, verbalize it. Showing gratitude by acknowledging your team aloud can make a difference in letting them know you genuinely appreciate their work and contributions to the company. 

A verbal thanks also gives you the opportunity to check in and continue to make those in your company feel personally connected to you. 

For example, at The Agency, we recently held a virtual luncheon with our entire staff to show our gratitude. During the Zoom session, we recognized highlights from the year, shared personal anecdotes of thanks to staff members, and focused on positive news and changes for the year ahead. 

The end of the year is a great time to hold a thank-you luncheon, even if only virtual right now. I believe you should never assume your team members know you are appreciative of their work and presence. As a leader of a company or team, say thank you every time you can. Individuals will feel boosted (and you will too).

Do some good

I believe that doing some good as a team or company is one of the best ways to recognize how fortunate you are and bond as an organization. Set up a companywide initiative that gets agents involved with local organizations.

Share ways agents can partner with a charity to adopt a family for the holidays or donate items of need. Remember, your company has the opportunity to make a difference. 

The Agency’s philanthropic partner is Giveback Homes. Throughout 2019, We came together for multiple Giveback Homes build days, working together to build forever homes for deserving families.

We decided to end the year strong by giving back through one last initiative to support this organization. We invited our agents to donate to Giveback Homes on behalf of their clients, thanking them for their business and letting them know they donated in their honor.

Remember all the positives from 2020

Despite the pandemic and all the change and disruption it brought, don’t forget about the good that happened in 2020. It’s easy to forget the small details, so find a place to write down the positives.

Whether it’s on a whiteboard in your office or a small notebook dedicated to gratitude that you write in each morning, once you start collecting these little moments, you will watch all the good in your life pile up. It’s also a fantastic way to begin the new year with a positive mindset.

After some time passes, I recommend you share these positive memories with your colleagues to remind them of the good times throughout the year. Doing this will give them a little boost and encourage them through difficult times.

Both encouragement and feeling recognized are significant motivators. Appreciation for a job well done goes a long way in cultivating a positive culture and organization. Don’t forget — it all starts with a little thanks. 

Mauricio Umansky is the founder and CEO of The Agency in Los Angeles. Connect with him on Instagram.