
Pulse: What our readers are looking forward to in 2021

Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

We’re already a little over a week into the new year, and all of us hoping for some early signs of better things but also bracing against what 2021 could bring. All to say, it isn’t easy to go into the year with a full tank of optimism, but of course, it’s important to try to stay hopeful about the future.

So, last week, we asked you to share the things you’re most excited for in 2021. From living in a COVID-free world to focusing on the essentials, here are all the things you’re looking forward to experiencing, doing and accomplishing this year.

  • Being focused on the things that matter most both in my personal and business life. If I’m to learn from the past in 2020, we learned to focus and do the essential first. All else fell into place or simply didn’t matter.
  • Every year, I pick one word as a guide. My word for 2021 is blissipline (credit: Brian Johnson). This reminds me to do the things that bring me joy but continue the daily disciplines such as working out, lead generation, etc.
  • I’m looking forward to seeing more green certification and solar data show up on listings. There is an opportunity for listing agents and brokers to do better. Most MLSs have the fields to convey this information. However, they are underutilized. With an increased focus on climate change, our building stock accounting for 40 percent of carbon emissions, and consumers are looking for homes that are more comfortable, quieter, have better indoor air quality and are more resilient to extreme weather events. This is a great time for us all to do better about promoting the benefits of an energy-efficient home and include this data on listings.
  • A COVID-free world.
  • Increase in inventory.
  • Being happy.
  • Positive input from all media sources, not political! Homes are still needed by everyone, and spinning negative undertones to start the new year off is not a great way of doing it!
  • I’m looking forward to another banner year in real estate and making as much money as possible. I’m not side-tracked by political trouble or the pandemic. I can’t fix it. I lived through the 2000s, and I lost everything. Now, it’s all about me. I’m keeping my head down, working my butt off and running up my bank account as much as possible.
  • Freedom to do work unencumbered.
  • Spring trout season.
  • The virus starting to slow down!
  • I’m looking forward to the demise of Compass and every other “venture capital” sweetheart in the real estate business. I’ve done this for a living since 1980, and 19 of those [years] were at a very successful Re/Max office that, for many years, I called “Camelot” because it was such a unique and wonderful place — that tapered off, as filling offices became as important as who filled them. For the last 20 years, I’ve been a one-person company, and I’d never go back. To me, real estate has always been a local and person-to-person business — not something meant to enrich “investors” and “boards of directors” and “Wall Street,” all of whom know there’s tremendous profits to be made in our business if they can just come up with a way to tap them. Being of “service” is just what you have to say to get to the cash, and if they could figure out a way to eliminate it to add to the bottom line, it would be done this afternoon.
  • More families ready to list their homes.
  • A family celebration with food and adult beverages. Most importantly, the family. We miss them, and birthday celebrations and Thanksgiving and the holidays just aren’t the same without them.
  • My son’s wedding in October. Dancing close with as many people as possible without a mask. And Jan. 20. Sorry, had to go there.
  • Hugs and traveling. Hopefully.
  • Travel. Gathering with friends in other places than the ice cream parlor parking lot.
  • COVID going away and more housing inventory.

What did we miss? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Editor’s note: These responses were given anonymously and, therefore, are not attributed to anyone specifically. Responses were also edited for grammar and clarity. Inman doesn’t endorse any specific method and regulations may vary from state to state.