
Last call for Inman Connect Las Vegas early-bird pricing

Tickets to in-person Inman Connect Las Vegas, Oct. 26-28, 2021, are moving fast, and our early-bird pricing ends on May 31.

Behind the scenes, we are lining up stellar speakers, amazing interviews, unparalleled networking opportunities and a diverse content agenda. Whether you’re an agent, broker, executive, tech guru, finance professional, entrepreneur, investor or something else, you will create connections and take away valuable insights that will help grow your business.

Thousands of professionals have built their businesses through Connect. Kathryn Royster, public communications manager at USC, puts it best: “Connect is our favorite way to put a finger on the pulse of the industry. It keeps us in touch with real estate’s best and brightest, the latest tech developments, and what matters most to our customers.”

What should you expect at this year’s event?

Prices go up on June 1, so this will be your last chance to grab Inman Connect Las Vegas tickets at this price.

As a bonus this year, we’re kicking off the week in Las Vegas with Luxury Connect, our exclusive gathering of agents and brokers serving the luxury market. Tickets to this day-and-a-half event (Oct. 25-26) are also available now. You can add it to your ICLV tickets at this price that won’t last.

We look forward to seeing you in Vegas this year.

Please note: Tickets for this event are currently only available for domestic (U.S.) attendees.