
How to beat rejection before it beats you

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Rejection is something everyone experiences, and there is no exception for the real estate industry. Although real estate professionals face rejection all the time, what matters most is how an agent can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Whether they lose a competitive bidding war or a pitch for new business, to be successful, agents must use rejection to empower their business. Here, I’ve outlined a few ways to turn rejection into a positive thing and find creative solutions to thrive in this industry.

1. Don’t take it personal

First and foremost, don’t take rejection personally. It’s hard not to, but agents need to remember this is part of the business. This is especially true if you’re a new agent starting out in this industry. It’s best to learn to cope with negative feedback early on because it will likely happen throughout your career.

Instead, focus on your successes, even if they seem minor. Negative thoughts can be overpowering if you let them. Try to combat negativity by allocating time at the end of each workweek to acknowledge what you’ve accomplished. This positive attitude will help propel you in the right direction — forward.

2. Practice visualization

According to a recent Forbes article, “Visualization, also called imagery, cannot only help you reach financial goals, but helps you reduce stress as well.” Professionals use it as an effective stress management tool.

Knowing this, I’ve applied it to my daily routine. Every morning, before I even get out of bed, I spend a few minutes visualizing how I’d like my day to go. This helps create optimistic scenarios and helps diminish any negative or nervous thoughts before rejection even has the chance to happen.

I recommend agents try to visualize before every meeting and important phone call. By visualizing a successful client meeting, your mind can fully understand what you desire, and you are more likely to achieve a positive result.

Visualization is also important when you’re facing rejection. Before acting on it, take time to think through how your next meeting or conversation will go and how you can make it a fruitful one.

3. Set a routine

Identify the areas of your business that need improvement, and schedule an hour every day to work on them. Perhaps you spend an hour after lunch each day prospecting. Maybe you dedicate Friday mornings to scheduling content for the following week and improving your digital presence.

Having a system in place can create the order you need to succeed and not let any thoughts get in the way of accomplishing your goals. Having positive business habits allows for less self-doubt and creates a positive way of turning rejection into areas of improvement.

4. Think positively

Having a positive mindset is the key to success in the real estate business. Change your energy at every chance you get. It’s essential to go into a new listing presentation with confidence and high energy.

Before the meeting, visualize, practice a “power pose” or simply move around to get your blood flowing. By shifting your energy, you will be more likely to walk away with a signed agreement.

If you have a negative experience, like losing a contract, don’t let it negatively affect the rest of your week. Recalibrate your physical energy, and push through to your next task at hand. This kind of exercise will propel you to achieve all your goals, and make rejection seem small and meaningless.

5. Listen before acting

Listening is the key to effectively communicating and succeeding in this business. Without listening, misunderstandings can arise, and as a result, both colleagues and clients will easily become frustrated.

It is an agent’s job to be able to listen to their clients’ concerns and respond accordingly. This is an essential skill for long-term relationships. Learning to listen will lead to less rejection and negative feedback from those you work with.

I recommend creating a checklist before every client meeting. By walking through every point of the list, you will be able to better understand your client’s wants and needs. This serves as an excellent blueprint for any changes and something to refer back to if there are ever any misunderstandings. Always being well prepared will help agents provide meaningful responses and suggestions throughout the entire homebuying process.

These five points will help agents turn rejection and negativity into positive outcomes. Finding creative solutions and putting these exercises into regular practice will help agents thrive in this competitive industry.

Dealing with rejection is never easy, but keeping a positive outlook and learning from past experiences will only benefit you in the long run. Dealing with rejection is how agents move forward into productive and profitable careers.

Santiago Arana is a managing partner at The Agency, in Los Angeles. Connect with him on Instagram.