
Lesson Learned: Give, give, take

What would you tell a new agent before they start out in the business?

Be fearless. Real estate is a trillion-dollar industry. It’s an environment of opportunity thus, highly competitive. Being fearless is important in building relationships, negotiating and closing deals, overcoming objections, and helping adapt to shifting market situations.

What book, movie, tv show, podcast, or other media has taught you the most and what did you learn from it?

I did a course in Neuro Linguistic Programming which was by far the most beneficial education I have had to date. NLP helps people communicate effectively and build rapport with others. Outside of that, I enjoy reading self-help books. Some of my favorites include Influence by Robert Cialdini, Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins and Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

What’s the best advice you ever got from a mentor or colleague?

Give, give, take. When I received this advice, I adopted the philosophy of always giving more to relationships and partnerships than I take. This advice has helped me form lasting partnerships which ultimately led to exponential growth to my business and personal life. It helps keep me grounded and act in service to others.

What is the one thing everyone should be doing to make their life/business better?

Aligning with great people. Look for characteristics that are critical to relationships: reliable, honest, positive and uplifting. Forming amazing partnerships has been the only way I have been able to excel in this industry. On the other hand, negative relationships can ruin your business and overall vitality for life.

What do clients need to know before they begin a real estate transaction?

What are the tax implications/incentives of this transaction? This is vital to understanding the full picture of a deal. Knowing what your tax incentives and obligations are on each transaction could help you adjust timing on your contracts to save you a significant amount of money.

What are your next steps? This is important to understand timing and flexibility which will help with marketing strategy and negotiations.

Who will represent you? Strategy can easily be worked out with any agent but, more importantly, your representation should be reliable, responsive, trustworthy, knowledgeable and communicate effectively.

Christy Murdock is a freelance writer, coach and consultant and the owner of Writing Real Estate. Connect with Writing Real Estate on Instagram  and subscribe to the weekly roundup, The Ketchup.