
How to keep your sense of humor in the midst of a frustrating market

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As real estate agents, we know that the market can be volatile and unpredictable. Add to that the stresses of daily life, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

However, there is a powerful tool that can help you navigate the ups and downs of the industry, that costs nothing and gives everything – your sense of humor. (Hey, they don’t call me the Chief Smile Maker for nothing; I wrote a whole book on the topic!)

In today’s world, keeping your wits and humor is an incredible way to maintain your sanity and morale, no matter what else is happening in real estate or life. 

8 reasons to keep your sense of humor

You might be thinking, “Humor? At a time like this? I’m too stressed for humor.” I get it. Tough times take a toll on your business and your personal life, but I want to dive into the many reasons why you should take the time to maintain your humor, especially now:

It helps you cope with stress

Stress is a constant companion when you’re a real estate agent, especially in lean markets. You need to juggle multiple clients (who are also stressed), follow up with leads, and ensure that every single detail of a transaction checks out so you can get to closing without problems.

It’s tiring, sometimes downright exhausting. It can easily drain your energy and morale, and you might not have a lot to start with. When stress builds up, it can be challenging to keep a positive attitude. However, your sense of humor can help you find positivity and light in challenging situations.

Humor attracts clients

Being cheerful and making a positive impression is crucial when it comes to attracting clients. Clients are more likely to work with an agent who is fun to be with and makes them feel comfortable.

A real estate agent who can make clients laugh or crack a joke once in a while can leave a lasting positive impression. Humor can also help establish rapport and ease those awkward silences or uncomfortable situations during the course of your transactions.

It’s a good way to break the ice

Humor can be an excellent way to break the ice when meeting new clients or in an otherwise awkward situation. Real estate transactions can be stressful for clients, and a sense of humor can help ease the tension and make clients feel more relaxed. Using a humorous anecdote can also help build rapport and make negotiations go more smoothly. Just make sure that your humor is relevant and appropriate to the situation.

It reduces burnout

Burnout is a common problem (89 percent of workers have felt burnout in the last year, according to Zippia), and real estate agents are no exception. The constant pressure, long hours, and ups and downs of the market can gradually drain your energy and passion for the job.

As a result, many agents end up feeling burnt out and wanting to give up their careers. However, humor can be an excellent tool to combat burnout. Laughing, joking around with colleagues, or watching a funny video can boost your moods and recharge your enthusiasm for the job.

Laughing is good for your health

It has been proven that laughter has numerous health benefits. It can reduce stress levels, boost your immune system, and even relieve pain. When you’re facing frustrating situations or uncertain times, finding something to laugh about can help you manage stress and improve your mental and physical health. Take time to watch a funny movie or TV show, read humorous books or spend time with friends who make you laugh.

Humor can help you stay balanced

A sense of humor can help you keep things in perspective. When you’re dealing with a difficult client or a lean market, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Humor can help you step back and see the situation from a more objective viewpoint. This can help you make better decisions and avoid becoming too emotionally invested in the outcome, particularly if the client is stressed.

Humor is a powerful communication tool

When you’re working with clients or colleagues, being able to use humor can be a powerful communication tool. Humor can help defuse tense situations, build rapport, and create a more positive and productive working environment. It’s important to be sensitive to the situation and avoid using humor that could be offensive or inappropriate. However, when used appropriately, humor can be a valuable tool for real estate agents.

Humor can help boost your creativity

Finding humor in a frustrating situation can help spark your creativity. When you’re faced with a challenge, taking a step back and approaching it from a different angle can help you come up with a more innovative solution. Humor can help you think outside the box and come up with ideas you might not have considered otherwise.

5 ways to make sure you laugh amid real estate stress

Now that we have established why keeping your sense of humor and ability to laugh is vital, let’s talk about how you can stay focused.

Remember why you got into real estate in the first place

When you’re feeling down, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Maybe you wanted to help people find their dream homes, or perhaps you were excited about the potential earnings. Whatever your reason, reconnecting with your why can help you stay motivated during tough times.

Find the humor in the situation

Humor can be found in even the most frustrating situations. Instead of dwelling on the negative, try to see the humor in the situation. For example, if a deal falls through, you could make a joke about needing to brush up on your mind-reading skills. Finding the funny side of things can not only help you stay positive, but it can also help you connect with clients who are feeling uncertain or annoyed.

Laugh it off

Laughter is truly the best medicine, and it can help you get through even the toughest days. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break and watch a funny video or listen to a comedy podcast. Better yet, connect with a colleague who also has a good sense of humor and make each other laugh. Humor can be contagious, and laughter can be just the thing you need to shift your perspective.

Don’t take yourself too seriously

Real estate can be a serious business, but that doesn’t mean you have to take yourself so seriously. Being able to laugh at yourself can be a powerful tool, both in business and in life. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it with a smile and move on. Clients will appreciate someone who can admit their faults and move forward with a positive attitude.

Cultivate a positive work environment

Finally, one of the best ways to maintain a sense of humor is to work in a positive environment. Surround yourself with colleagues who are also positive and have a good sense of humor. A supportive and humor-loving work environment can make all the difference when it comes to staying motivated and upbeat during challenging times.

As a real estate agent, maintaining a sense of humor is crucial for navigating frustrating times and lean markets. By maintaining a sense of humor, you can stay positive, motivated, and focused through whatever challenges you may face. By remembering why you got into the business, finding the humor in situations, laughing it off, not taking yourself too seriously and cultivating a positive work environment, you can maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated.

It’s an essential skill to have and can go a long way in maintaining your mental well-being and your career success. So, be sure to keep your wit and humor on display, and don’t be afraid to use it to lighten up any situation you may encounter.

Darryl Davis is the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars. Connect with him on Facebook or YouTube