
7 ways to show appreciation this Thanksgiving

Real estate is considerably more than just buying and selling properties; it’s about building relationships when you help a new client buy or sell their home. It’s about being an active participant and leader in your community. It’s supporting local businesses and neighborhoods and people. It’s about making an impact and changing people’s lives for the better.

Don’t let the negative news headlines take that from you.

As a real estate agent, you are essential. You make a difference to your clients and your community, and they do the same for you in return. ‘Tis the season of giving as they say, and it’s a great time to reach out and connect in meaningful ways. 

Let’s take a look at 7 great ideas to get you started

1. Host workshops

One of the most valuable things you can offer your clients and community is knowledge. There are a lot of questions out there that you are completely skilled to answer. Organize workshops or webinars on topics that matter to them, such as homebuying and selling tips, investment strategies, insights into local market trends and many others.

If you have a passion for a certain niche such as seniors, lean into the information that is specific to that niche. Ask your local lenders, real estate attorneys, title reps and staging professionals to join in.

Sharing your expertise by being helpful and accessible shows your clients that you are there to take care of them, whether they are ready to buy, sell or wait. 

2. Volunteer in the community

Getting involved in local charity events, clean-up initiatives or fundraisers is a fantastic way to show your dedication to the community, not just individual clients. Whether it’s helping at a food bank, participating in a neighborhood cleanup, contributing to a local charity or an event of your own creation, your active participation can make a real difference for everyone.

In that giving back, you give a lot to yourself in return with feelings of accomplishment, fulfillment, and purpose which fuel you and others to do more good work.

3. Support local businesses

Your clients and community rely on local businesses to thrive, so why not show your support? Share recommendations for local restaurants, shops and services. You can even interview some business owners in a short video and post it on your social media.

You can also host events at local establishments or collaborate with them for open-house treats, promotions and giveaways. Not only does this spotlight that business, but residents (particularly ones that just moved into the neighborhood) can find what they need. 

4. Offer exclusive discounts or services

Partner with local businesses to offer special discounts or services to your clients. This could include things like discounts on home services, local restaurants or even exclusive access to events. It could even be buying free coffee to everyone that walks in the door of the local coffee shop for an hour.

This generosity builds a sense of goodwill and trust in your clients and the community.

5. Host client appreciation events

Building strong, lasting relationships with your clients is the key to a successful real estate career. Organize client appreciation events, such as barbecues, picnics, movie nights or holiday parties, to connect with them on a personal level.

Not only does the event itself provide fun for the families and people you have helped over the years, but it also provides an opportunity to strengthen your relationships.

 6. Offer real estate resources

Create and share informative content that aids your clients in navigating the real estate process. Develop guides, checklists or videos that address common questions and concerns. Share these resources through your website, social media, email newsletters or all the above to ensure that your clients have access to the information they need to make informed decisions.

Also, create a list of recommended vendors like electricians, HVAC technicians, mortgage brokers, plumbers, contractors, landscapers, movers, etc. This way, when your clients or community members are in need of services, they will know that you are the resource for trusted professional references.

7. Support local causes

Find local charities or causes that resonate with your core values or have a deep connection to the community and encourage your clients to get involved. Consider donating a portion of your commission from each transaction to a chosen charity or organize a fundraising campaign.

By showing your commitment to these causes, you not only make a positive impact by filling a need in your community but also inspire others to do the same.

Being a real estate agent is so much more than just negotiating terms and managing a transaction. This is a people business. It’s a relationship business, and it’s about building connections. 

These are great ways to show the people in your communities who you are, what you represent, your service commitment, and your stellar reputation. It’s an important time in our industry to do just that. Know your worth and value and communicate it every day.  Show up in service. Show up in dedication. Show up in commitment. 

Darryl Davis is the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars. Connect with him on Facebook or YouTube