
ActiveRain revamps user profile pages

Screen shot of ActiveRain's new user profile design.

The real estate community and social network ActiveRain, now owned by Trulia Inc. via its recent acquisition of Market Leader Inc., has updated its profile page design for the 320,000 real estate professionals it claims as users.

Updates include Facebook-like header images and profile photos, customizable call-to-action widgets and the ability to list up to six secondary markets where the profile owner does business.

Other new features allow users to link, with the corresponding icons, to their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google Plus and LinkedIn accounts. In special sections, users can also list up to 30 client testimonials (eight shown directly on the page), list their areas of expertise, and provide relevant links that direct visitors to their website, a partner lender or elsewhere.

ActiveRain, which was founded in Seattle in 2006 and quickly became popular with real estate pros as a blogging platform and community, was acquired by Kirkland, Wash.-based Market Leader Inc. in late 2011, four years after Move Inc. pulled out of a nonbinding deal to acquire the firm.

Now, Trulia, which acquired Market Leader for $355 million in a deal that closed this month, owns ActiveRain.

ActiveRain says it has plans to revamp the design of its blogs next.