
Podcast: Why the seller hired the other agent — Part 3

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Is it OK to only land 50 percent of the listings that you make appointments for? No! It’s a waste of your valuable time, energy, and enthusiasm — and in today’s market, you can do a lot better. The key is implementing modern listing presentation techniques to ensure that you’re the agent who gets the listing, and not your competitors.

In today’s episode, we’re wrapping up our discussion of the top 10 reasons why agents don’t walk away with signed paperwork on a listing appointment. If you missed the beginning of this discussion, part 1, and part 2 here and then listen to our conclusion right here for the inside scoop on the best way to get listings in today’s market.

Being a listing agent is where it’s at — and it’s not the “insider’s club” that a lot of buyer agents often think it is. Any agent can become a listing agent and benefit from the higher income and flexible schedule that comes with the package. You won’t do well if you’re unprepared, however, which means researching your local market and using modern tools like seller prequalification and a proven pre-listing package. Once you get those in place, you’re on your way to a big boost in real estate income.


Subscribe to Tim and Julie Harris’ podcast on iTunes. To learn about the pre-listing package mentioned in today’s show, schedule a call with us.

Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.