
Why using Snapchat daily builds your real estate brand

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Are you getting the most out of your social media? Chances are, probably not. Which platforms are now considered dead, and which platform should you take advantage of?

Snapchat is the best way to connect with millennials

Your first step on social media is to be your authentic self — talk about the things you care about. Use Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook Messenger to build relationships first.

Referrals follow naturally. Snapchat is the platform for connecting with millennials.

Watch the full episode here.

Why use Snapchat in your real estate business?

Snapchat is great because it is not interruptive. People can decide whether they want to hear from you. It has a much lower permission levels than other platforms such as Facebook Messenger.

It’s a great way to connect with people on a casual basis and start building those relationships that can then lead to clients.

Create genuine connections

The ways in which you use social media are extremely important in creating a brand and helping you find new clients. It is important to be authentic on social media, that is your marketing.

If you can create genuine connections with people through shared commonalities, then you will have stronger, more valuable clients. The stronger the bonds you share with your clients, the more likely they are to refer their friends and families to you, and the more clients you will get.

Transform your social media strategy with Ronny Philip’s expert tips, and you’ll start attracting the clients you want!

Matt Johnson is the founder of Pursuing Results, a podcast production firm.  He is also the co-host of Real Estate Uncensored, a real estate podcast and video series.