
Team motivation: Proven tactics for cold calling and follow up

Cold calling and selling can be a daunting task to face every day. How do you motivate your team to stay focused? What tactics can you use to build up the team spirit and camaraderie?

Don’t sweat the cold stuff

Even if your product is the best in the world, no one will know about it unless you approach your customers directly. Cold calling isn’t something to dread — it can feel daunting, however, with a few key tactics you can make it feel simple.

There’s no point trying to avoid it because even if you choose a different marketing method, it still involves having an uncomfortable conversation with somebody you don’t know.

Stick to your own brand and your authenticity, and the quality that you offer will come through. Constantly revise your best scripts — especially the ones that help you overcome objections.

Always make sure to do follow-up — and do it every day. You have to be consistent and not give up on calling potential leads, as deals normally happen after the fifth call.

In this clip, Luke Acree explains how motivation works with his sales team.

“You have to get yourself motivated by setting yourself up for success.” – Luke Acree

How to be consistent

There are three things that matter most in follow-up: persistence, consistency and being first. There’s no system for success. Stay consistent, and commit to completing your task.

Every single call is different; be authentic, and only use the script as a backbone. You’ll always have to sit through the uncomfortable conversations, even if you’re not cold calling.

If you don’t have client reviews, it’s really going to hurt your business. Get your clients to review you right after the sale, and get the testimonial. This is what differentiates your business and puts you forward in the competitive market.

Watch the full episode above to see the insights we shared on:

“Choose something, stick to it, use the resources around you, commit to it and complete it,” – Luke Acree

Matt Johnson is the founder of Pursuing Results, a podcast production firm. He is also the co-host of Real Estate Uncensored, a real estate training podcast and video series.