
5 ways to generate more leads with less effort

Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash

Getting new leads as a real estate agent can sometimes be a real headache. It might feel like you have to jump through hoops to get one potential lead and use up a lot of your time doing so.

But it doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can start today without putting in too much effort.

It just takes creating a strategy for yourself and being consistent and persistent with what works for you. Instead of trying a bunch of new things, focus on five things that might work, and implement them every day.

Generating leads takes time, that’s why it’s a great idea to create a system for yourself and work at it daily to get your name out there because it will eventually pay off.

Start utilizing Quora

Quora is a great place to show your expertise as a real estate agent. Figure out what your client’s pain points are; what do they struggle with? Search for questions about buying or selling a home and leave thoughtful answers. This process will help build your credibility.

This doesn’t have to take all day, just set aside 20 minutes to answer a few questions. Make sure to leave a link to your website in every post, and people will go there to learn more about you.

When you start giving more than you’re taking, people will see that you take the time out of your day to become more personable and give value. You will start to be in the back of people’s minds, and people will share your website with others.

Change up your newsletter

Instead of only using your weekly newsletter to send out a market update, change things up. When you focus on engaging more with your readers, and let them know what is going on in your life, you come across as more personable.

There are different ways to tweak your newsletter to be more effective:

  • Tell your story: People like reading stories about other people, so mention interesting facts about your life.
  • Promote your weekly blog posts: If you are writing frequent blog posts, make sure to add them to your newsletter so you can keep your readers up-to-date.
  • Create incentives for people to spread the word about you: Add a referral in every newsletter. Any time someone recommends you, they get a $50 gift card.

Create eye-catching opt-ins on your website

The best way to start getting more leads from your website is to create an opt-in that pinpoints your audience’s struggles. A lot of people aren’t willing to give out their emails just for a newsletter anymore, that’s why giving them something that adds value to their lives will work.

Brainstorm some ideas of an opt-in that your audience would want. This could be a checklist, a worksheet or an e-book. Something that can help them with buying or selling a home.

Here are some ideas of what you could create:

  • 12 lies real estate agents tell their clients
  • 10 shortcuts for easy home maintenance
  • Do you make these 9 mistakes before looking at a house?

These are great for catching your readers’ attention and making them curious about your opt-in.

Automate your social media

You’re a real estate agent, not a social media manager. The easiest way to stay up to date on your Facebook and Twitter is by automating your posts.

Use sites like Buffer or Hootsuite, which allow you to schedule all of your posts for the week or month. You only need to spend an hour or so a week scheduling posts, then your work is done.

Find cool articles to share, inspiring quotes and create your own content. Instead of feeling like you need to be on social media 24/7, use automation to your advantage.

Make sure that you are still logging in to respond to comments and engage with your audience. Automating your posts is a huge time-saver, but definitely make sure you still interact to avoid coming off like a robot.

Work On Your USP (unique selling proposition)

“To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful.” – Carl Jung

A great way to stand out as a real estate agent — and get more leads — is to avoid going along with what everyone else is doing.

When there are so many agents doing the same thing, people will pull a name out of a hat. Be that one person who stands out from all the rest.

Focus on building your brand to be unique and reach a specific audience. Go against the grain. Write articles on your blog that challenge the status quo.

Some people might not like it, but you will be reaching that audience that does and creating a brand for yourself.

Again, building leads requires being consistent on your part. Pick a few of these to start trying daily, and track your progress.

The best way to see ROI is by keeping track of where your leads are coming from and what is and isn’t working for your business. But you have to give it enough time to see what works, and be persistent with it.

Samantha Clark is a freelance writer in Denver, Colorado. Follow her on Twitter, or connect with her on LinkedIn.