
6 ways to stay positive even when you’re not feeling it

Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

Realtors could be equipped with every tool known to man — the latest apps and tech, a fresh stack of colorful business cards, a list of referrals, etc. — but none of it matters if they don’t have the right mindset.

The challenge of a good mindset

In the real estate industry, agents face a multitude of challenges on a daily basis, which is why mindset is everything. Mindset comes into play even at the start of every agent’s career when they begin trying to generate leads. It also comes into play for experienced agents who are forced to deal with difficult clients or other colleagues who aren’t playing by the rules.

One of the biggest challenges of having the right mindset comes up when dealing with tough situations on the job. The mind is negative by nature. As a result, our brain wants to stay in our “comfort zone,” and it does this to protect us from perceived harm.

For example, you know it can be uncomfortable to call expired listings — the likelihood of rejection is high, so your mind goes to a dark place before you even pick up the phone.

Our brain wants to stay in familiar surroundings, and it fears new challenges. The brain can interpret uncertainty as a threat. Agents who have been in the industry for decades and have a set routine, for instance, might avoid new challenges in business development because their brain understands that new situations could make them uncomfortable.

Push yourself to step out of your comfort zone, and don’t give in to negative thoughts. To help with that, here are six ways to make sure you are in the right mindset to be the best real estate agent possible:

6 things to keep you in the right mindset

1. Practice gratitude

What do you feel grateful for right now? It is important to focus on the people and things you are thankful for.

This releases dopamine, energy, alertness, enthusiasm and determination.

2. Focus on affirmations

Positive statements spoken and repeated can encourage and uplift a person.

Affirmations structure your mind, limit negative thoughts, reduce depression, increase awareness and boost your potential.

3. Walk around fear

There is a physical movement that helps when facing fear — the acronym for “false evidence appearing real.”

Fear can mentally impair people enough to stop them from achieving their goals. To overcome a fear, imagine the fear is real. Physically think of this reality, imagine it’s existence, walk up to it, take a step forward, step around it, and watch it fade away behind you.

4. Prepare — it’s key

Abraham Lincoln once said, “If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Rigorous preparation and planning is important to win in any endeavor. This will also help put you in a confident mindset.

5. Celebrate often

Be sure to cross the finish line — and then celebrate! Make micro-goals and celebrate often.

Celebrating small wins gives you a reason to smile and can produce a positive attitude and the momentum to push you forward while working on bigger goals that can take time.

6. Be happy

Happiness multiplies — it spreads like wildfire, so share your enthusiasm with others.

One study found realistic optimists are happier and more successful than pessimists. And research shows optimists tend to live longer and be healthier overall.

Not only will this make others feel good, it will put you in a better mood as well.

Joshua Lybolt is president and co-founder of Lifstyl Real Estate. You can follow him on LinkedIn or YouTube.