
How to strike Instagram gold with this overlooked feature


Many agents still think of Instagram as something to be avoided, and it’s understandable when someone says they don’t personally want to get caught up in the potential foolishness — but it is possible to use Instagram solely as a professional outlet, to grow your lead generation and easily follow up with your database.

If you struggle to understand the importance of this social media platform, consider the following: Instagram has more engagement than Facebook and Twitter. Kylie Jenner credits social media (with Instagram being her most vocal site) as being the catalyst for her “youngest ‘self-made’ billionaire” status.

If you want your business to get in on the Instagram gold rush, there’s one free feature you should employ every single time you post: Instagram Stories polls.

Instagram Stories polls

Instagram Stories have now passed more than 500 million daily actives. But, just knowing that number means nothing if it does not translate into business.

Enter: Instagram Stories polling feature. Polls can be used strategically to connect and reconnect with Instagram users. Often, people use polls for random shenanigans, but we can make sure our shenanigans have a true purpose: business growth.

To use this feature, you should first ask a captivating question based on your business and give two answer options that help you identify potential leads. Your next step would be to follow up with the potentials. Just one poll could leave you with several leads!

Here is a quick video example of how you can use the Instagram Stories polling feature:

If you need a little more convincing, check out this video for more on why Instagram should be in your business marketing mix:

Lee Davenport is a licensed real estate broker, trainer and coach. Follow her on FacebookInstagramYouTube and Google+, or visit her website. This post comes from her book, Profit with Your Personality.