
WATCH: What’s the secret to having a stellar team?

Photos by AJ Canaria of PlanOmatic

Verl Workman, the founder and CEO of Workman Success Systems, said he recently received a call from the leader of a top-performing team at Compass, a venture-funded brokerage.

The leader said she was hiring a new executive assistant and wanted advice on how to interview candidates for the job.

Workman had a simple answer: Try to figure out if they subscribe to the “core values” of her business.

“If they don’t give you the right answers for those, then it’s probably not a great fit,” he said.

That’s one piece of advice Workman has for team leaders looking to beef up their businesses. The rest of his guidance could be boiled down to three rules of thumb: Hire wisely; manage, don’t produce; and focus on revenue-generating activities. For the rest of his sage wisdom, tune in to the full panel video above or read the story from the live panel.

At the Inman Connect Las Vegas 2019 conference, Realogy CEO Ryan Schneider and Compass CEO Robert Reffkin took to the stage to discuss their differing visions for the residential real estate market going forward. Watch the full conversation now above on Inman Select.

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