
Keeping It Real: Don’t squander the rest of the year

Photo by Gian D. on Unsplash

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer reminds agents that now isn’t the time to coast through fourth quarter. 

Well, here we are. It’s almost the last quarter of the year. Summer went by in a blink, and somehow it’s already time to pick out the kids’ Halloween costumes and dress the tree. This is that time of the year when many agents kick back and coast. 

Not me.

I hit the gas and crank up the heat, scooping and catching business that others leave on the table. Because the work you put in six months ago is a direct representation of what’s in your pipeline today

I get it. Parties, activities and dinners are constantly at battle with your work calendar. It’s easy to drift and lose balance. But this is a time full of opportunities to plant seeds for busier times. (What’s six months away? Spring.)

Plant seeds on fertile ground.

The holidays are bursting with opportunities to reach out to prospects — use this time as an excuse to genuinely connect with those that you haven’t in a while. It’s not about being slimy or salesy. People can sniff that out from a mile away. Genuinely wish them a happy Thanksgiving. Reconnect.

Here’s what I do: I sit at my desk and bang them all out, one after another. I prefer video, so I use BombBomb to send personalized videos to each and every one of my prospects.

Sure, it takes more time than a generic email or mailer. But, let’s be real. What does a generic message say about you? That you’re generic. 

My friends, there’s nothing worse than bouncing out of bed on the first workday of a new year, ready to conquer the day — then realizing you have no deals. Trust me, I’ve been there.

We are entering the golden weeks of the year. This is prospecting gold. Don’t squander it. 

If you’re ready to squeeze the rest of the year for all it’s worth, check out this podcast

Peter Lorimer is the CEO of Beverly Hills, California-based PLG Estates.