
To script or not to script? Let the situation guide you

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In today’s virtual, work-from-home environment, agents are seeking training and coaching in entirely new ways. In August, we’re laser-focused on what defines good coaching today and how to get the most out of it.

Depending on our individual personality type and which real estate coach we most align with, our answer to the question “To script or not to script?” is likely to vary. But for the sake of flipping both sides of the coin, let’s take a closer look.

According to Tom Ferry, “Knowledge = confidence. Ignorance = fear. It’s not difficult to decide which one is better, especially when your income is at stake.”

Not one to shy away from poignant-yet-painful truths, Ferry makes a solid point that accruing knowledge does indeed generate a higher level of confidence, not only in one’s self, but also in whatever product or service we, as sales professionals, are trying to sell.

However, if we were to toggle that viewpoint a bit and parallel confidence as it relates to our personal or professional experiences, would using a script help or hinder our efforts to connect? Perhaps the answer we’re looking for doesn’t lie so much within a simple yes or a no, but it’s dependent upon the situation.

If we look at the definition of “script” according to, here’s what it says:

  1. Handwriting as distinct from print; written characters. Printed type imitating handwriting. Writing using a particular alphabet.
  2. The written text of a play, movie, or broadcast.
  3. In computing, it’s an automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order.
  4. In psychology, it’s the social role or behavior appropriate to particular situations that an individual absorbs through cultural influences and association with others.

In all translations of the word, a script is doing one or more of the following: 

  • Providing an opportunity to imitate a translation 
  • Providing instruction
  • Creating order 
  • Providing an absorption of an appropriate behavior 

What’s interesting about this is that, in real estate sales, we inherently meet all of the above definitions. From translating codes and contracts, to providing guidance and due diligence as we educate our clientele, real estate professionals work tirelessly to create a structured sales process. As such, having a trusted dialogue that we can refer back to allows us to create a continuum of trust between ourselves and our valued sphere of influence.

That being said, it’s also important to rely on our own experiences and tap into that internal dialogue, so we can unplug from the scripting process once we’ve laid the initial groundwork. There’s no denying that powerful sales scripts help us maintain consistency in our messaging. (And let’s face it, consistency is key!)

In fact, oftentimes, the foundation of trust is effectively built when we find that sweet spot somewhere between the likes of authors Phil M. Jones, Chris Smith and Jimmy Mackin’s knowing exactly what to say, and tapping into our very own raw authenticity, connection and vulnerability.

So, in conclusion, when pondering whether or not to implement scripts into your daily business practices, keep these considerations in mind. Maintaining a clear and concise dialogue that doesn’t waiver over time, mixed with a healthy dose of vulnerability and transparency, is not only the foundation of business success, it also ushers in client loyalty.

Stacey Soleil is a marketing and technology director with WEST, a Williston Financial Group Company, in California. Connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn.