
3 ways to harness the power of positive thinking in your business

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Our attitude is the secret ingredient that gives us the power needed to change. Many professionals want to grow, but some are not so open to change. The truth is — a simple change of your mindset to the positive can lead to life-changing results.

I personally have greatly benefited from adopting a positive mindset early in life. Originally from Sucre, Bolivia, after graduating from with my business administration and marketing degree, I came to the United States with a scholarship to learn English and achieve a master’s degree in finance.

After moving to Santa Barbara, California, from Bolivia when I was 22 years old, I got a job bussing tables at a high-end Spanish restaurant, Cava. I barely spoke a word of English, but I learned quickly and stayed determined to succeed.

Fast forward to today, as principal of The Agency, ranking as one of the top real estate professionals in the nation, I can confidently say I have achieved the American dream. From the very beginning, I have always focused on the positive — and never the negative.

As a result, it has led me to great success. So, I’m a firm believer that having the right mindset is vital for succeeding in real estate today. Below, I’ve outlined three things you have to do to develop and maintain a positive attitude.

1. Don’t limit yourself

The first and most important thing is not to limit the way you think. When I began working in real estate, I believed there was no limit to what I could do. Limited thinking will restrict every aspect of your life, and ultimately diminish your growth and performance.

I’ve learned to set short and long-term goals to guide me in achieving those dreams. Each milestone reached will take you one step closer to your long-term vision.

One way to do this is by starting each day or week reviewing the goals you’ve set to ensure you are working toward achieving them. If you work with a team, host quarterly check-ins to hold each other accountable and achieve your goals collectively. By being deliberate about behaviors and habits, you will maintain your drive and succeed naturally in your business.

2. Forget failure

I often think of the famous Dalai Lama quote, “Forget the failures. Keep the lessons.” We all experience failure, so don’t harbor those negative thoughts. While it’s essential to learn from mistakes, focusing on failure won’t help you grow.

Instead, concentrate on learning and growing with 100 percent effort. Immediately after acknowledging failure, focus on where you want to be or what you want to achieve rather than dwelling on the negative.

One way to do this is by keeping a “goal” or “positivity” journal. The first step is deciding what you will use and where will you keep it. Dedicate a specific notebook for this purpose, or consider an online journal or mobile app. Use whatever you feel comfortable with and will most likely keep updated.

Devote sections for every major goal you’d like to accomplish this year. Be sure to map out the time each day or week you will set aside to keep this journal updated. Commit to writing in it regularly and celebrating personal improvement, positive thoughts, and wins each week.

Dedicating time to adjust your mindset will make you stronger for any future roadblocks you may encounter.

3. Start with the positive

Changing the way you think will ultimately change your attitude and mindset. Look critically at how you approach your business. Actively try to choose optimism rather than pessimism. Try to be more appreciative and less critical of others.

Communicate with colleagues and clients enthusiastically, and never complain out in the open. The more you do this, the easier it will become. Focusing on having a positive mindset will translate into every aspect of the business — from working with vendors to communicating with clients, leading negotiations and so much more.

One way to do this as an agent is to start each day with a positive attitude, and let it carry you throughout your day. At the start of a call with a colleague, begin the conversation by being complimentary and showing appreciation for their help and support.

Another way to do this when working with a client is by sharing a positive experience, so they can be hopeful and keep an open mind during their homebuying process, especially in the tight market conditions many are facing today. Making this mental switch will ultimately lead to positive changes in your real estate career.

Santiago Arana is a managing partner at The Agency, in Los Angeles. Connect with him on Instagram.