
3 ways to kill your real estate business

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In a world filled with endless, instantaneous diversion, boredom is a foreign concept. We crave entertainment at all costs. Wait more than a minute at a drive-thru? That’s an annoyance. Your screen doesn’t load after a few seconds? That’s frustrating. A real estate business without entertaining services? That’s deadly.

In case you’ve been asleep the past 20 years, boredom is the death rattle of any business trying to build something that lasts.

Entertainment has taken the real estate industry by storm. Listings used to be just about price, square footage, rooms and bathrooms.

Nowadays, unfiltered data isn’t entertaining. Buyers use dozens of websites that contain everything they need to make a decision. They might never even speak to you, the agent. That’s a big problem, especially if you don’t know what to do about it.

Who doesn’t want to watch their real estate business die a slow, painful death? If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, keep doing these three things.

Leave your unappealing, data-overloaded website alone

Overload the customer with all kinds of uncontextualized data. Maybe you’ll throw something at them that sticks. Then, spend tons of money on lead generation so you can spend all day calling people who are already annoyed with you.

Solution: Your website should turn home shopping into an experience, but you don’t need fireworks and parades to make an impact. Almost anything is better than a static Web page.

Grainy photos, unresponsive design and difficult navigation make using your website a chore. Hold your audience’s attention, and you’ll have a better chance of getting their business.

Focus on relationships, but not the ones you already have

People — who needs them? Ignore those relationships you’ve already established, and go after that big catch. After all, who can keep up with their white whale when weighed down with tons of fish you’ve already caught? Throw them overboard. You’ll feast when you finally catch the big one.

Network mindlessly. Do so many mailers, the mailperson starts avoiding you. Ignore any and all communications with past clients. After that’s done, cross your fingers, spin around in a circle three times and pray.

Solution: True entertainment isn’t creating one good experience and then showing them the door. Keep clients entertained over a sustained period, and they’ll reward you.

Stay consistent. It might be hard to see the potential right away, but people can surprise you. Give your clients a great experience, and you’ll create a habit of doing the same for future prospects.

Do it part time

Work at your real job during the week, then sell some real estate on the weekends as a side gig. Buyers and sellers love working with part-time agents. They’re magnificent at entertaining clients because, you know, they get a lot of practice.

Those clients know they have your full attention, and you’ll for sure be thinking about them during the week while you’re busy doing something entirely unrelated to serving them.

Solution: Part-time effort produces part-time results. We often feel like we’re never ready to make the full leap. There’s always an excuse. There’s always people who tell you not to jump in too fast. There’s always fear.

You’ll significantly lengthen the time it takes to learn how to entertain if you never commit. If you’re passionate about selling real estate, put that passion to work. If it’s what you want to do, you’ll make it work.

Set goals. Specific goals. Commit to writing five handwritten notes a week. Look for ways to better the experience of your potential customers. Engage on social media.

Find an accountability partner. Get with a brokerage that cares about your success. Make a plan, and then bust your butt so you can make success happen.

Put one foot in front of the other, celebrate each step, and do what you can to entertain and succeed. That’s true entertainment, for you and the client.

Kyle Draper is the president and co-founder of Connect with him on LinkedIn or follow him on Instagram.

Email Kyle Draper.