
Top comments of the week May 23-27

It’s a rare day at Inman News when someone doesn’t bring up the outstanding nature of our readership. One way that we learn more about your experiences and perspectives is through the insightful comments you leave and lively conversation threads that ensue. Here we’ve compiled some of our favorites from this week, in no particular order.

Nate Jameson · Commented on Marketing to millennials: What agents need to know | Inman

Shoot Millennials with straight-talk and value and you’ll be fine.

It’s about authenticity and being a decent human being. We are a generation that assumes we are being lied to because, well… we have been… Millennials can read through BS extremely quickly.

Don’t complain about it, just do it. It is not complicated.

Steve Mccardle · Commented on ‘My friend is a Realtor’: 7 killer comebacks | Inman

Could you fire your friend? You can fire me but my work ethic is unmatched by anyone in the industry.

Andrew Belcher · Commented on ‘My friend is a Realtor’: 7 killer comebacks | Inman

It’s a slippery slope to ask about someone else’s credentials when you don’t know who the person is. Asking a question like that assumes that the “friend” is not worthy of the business or the friend has less credentials than you. BE PREPARED when you ask a question like this! The friend might actually have more credentials than YOU.

Albert Wooster · Commented on ‘My friend is a Realtor’: 7 killer comebacks | Inman

Offering to pay a referral is the best advice, gets the potential buyer/seller off the hook without dissing their friend.

Everybody knows a friend or relative who’s a Realtor. Most people don’t want their friends and relatives to know their financial situation. Would’ve been nice if all my friends that used another realtor asked that I got a referral fee.

Sissy Earthman Lappin · Commented on NAR bans Zillow Group from its 2016 events | Inman

Competition is for the competent.

Zillow is great for our business. People love looking at Zillow with all the bells and whistles. It gets more people thinking about buying and selling. Just remember how bad MLS was before Zillow (most MLS are still pretty lack luster). It has made and MLS wake up and realize their sub par product must be update. They needed the competition. Its just too bad they are such slow learners.

Zillow reminds me of Pinterest, I didn’t know my office need a makeover until I started looking at all the beautiful pictures! My office is being painted as I post this!With holding data only makes consumers distrust agents. That horse has left the barn — learn to ride.

Beau Harding · Commented on NAR bans Zillow Group from its 2016 events | Inman

Great move by NAR. I agree 100 percent with NAR CEO Dale Stinton’s statement that Zillow Group is beginning to look more and more like a trade association than a business.

The worst part is that Realtors are enabling Z Groups existence and growth by paying for the uneneccesary services. Thanks for standing tall, NAR!

Jackson Holter · Commented on NAR bans Zillow Group from its 2016 events | Inman

This is one of the more absurd decisions my trade organization has ever made. They need to set aside thier petty differences and do what’s best for their MEMBERSHIP. And banning the most highly trafficked real estate websites that tens of thousands of thier members use from their conferences and trade shows smacks of, “I’m taking my ball and gowing home!” Grow up NAR, get over yourselves and serve the members that are paying for your salaries (and for your lawsuits).

Daniel Beirne · Commented on Artificial intelligence: Coming to a portal near you | Inman

If I think about what the future of real estate is going to be like I defer 100 percent to anything that is possible, makes economic sense and most importantly what the consumer desires. There is an intersting concept called “desire lines.” Paths that people take because the paths are the shortest distance between what they want and the desired answers. When Realtors answer their emails, texts and phones 24/7 then they can meet the consumers needs. Desire lines cannot be denied.

Shelly Hemingson · Commented on 11 starter tips for becoming a neighborhood expert | Inman

Fantastic advice. My favorite is to attack this like it’s a master thesis and do the free stuff. It doesn’t take money to establish the expert role.

Burt Shaw · Commented on Trash talked behind your back? 7 ways for Realtors to deal | Inman

I prefer agents choose the high ground. It is not just the “aggrieved” parties that take the hit in a war of words…it is all of us. Most of whom try to do the right thing and take care of our clients. We fight a daily battle to be viewed as professionals and yet, there are those who choose not to live up to the moniker. If you want the title of Realtor to stand for excellence, be excellent.

Email Caroline Feeney.

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