
Podcast: Broke in real estate? 10 reasons your ego is to blame (Part 3)

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We conclude our series today on ego and how its negative affects are keeping you from the life and the business you’ve always wanted. Our final points will challenge your thinking, so as you read along and listen to the podcast, continue to ask yourself “Is this my ego that’s unchecked?”

8. Your ego wants you to be isolated

No, not isolated like on a deserted island. Look around you. Are your friends all the same? The same ethnicity, the same religion, the same politics?

This reveals a lack of versatility and flexibility. This is a people business. Go out on purpose, and meet new people who are different from you to be of service to.

9. Your ego tells you that you won’t be successful unless you are passionate

The buzzword today is passion. Find your passion. Live passionately. Inspire the world with your passion. But so-called passion might be just the thing that’s holding you back. There’s a difference between passion and purpose.

10. Your ego hates it when you are present

Did your parents tell you never to talk about money or politics to someone? Every wonder why that is? Because it forces people to look to the future.

The ego tells you that your personal financial health will happen after some “big event.” You must deal with today’s closings, today’s commissions and what you’re going to do to with those so that you never end up broke!

Remember the clear, concise and practical goals you had when you got into real estate? Say yes to those again, and ditch the egocentric mindsets that leave you feeling stressed, anxious, afraid or superior.

Do this so that your business can start working for you instead of you working for your business!

Read “Podcast: Broke in real estate? 10 reasons your ego is to blame (Part 1)” and “Podcast: Broke in real estate? 10 reasons your ego is to blame (Part 2).”

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.