
Zoho ContactManager: Light, nimble and ideal for small agencies

Kostenko Maxim /

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Zoho ContactManager is an application that integrates MailChimp email marketing.

Platform(s): Web-based
Ideal for: All agents

Top selling points

  • Very simple integration of MailChimp
  • Clean, light interface
  • Not trying to be a CRM
  • Tasks, team collaboration built-in

Top concerns

  • Future updates will lead to over-complication

What you should know

Zoho ContactManager is not trying to compete with TopProducer or Salesforce.


There is a tremendous market out there for agents who need software to help them manage their contacts (and the tasks that involve that effort) but don’t require a high-dollar enterprise system.

And it’s an ideal choice for agents who see value in the road not traveled by avoiding the same software so many competitors use.

Tags, tasks and teams

Zoho uses one of my favorite database search tools: the tag.

All contacts can be custom tagged with words pertaining to how you met, houses they like and tasks they’re a part of.

Your contacts can be pulled in easily from Google and social media accounts, making ramp-up simple and familiar.

A “Deals” module uses common language and tasks to provide an overview of a buyer or listing’s status.

The color-coded deal status indicator isn’t anything new, but it works well in the context of this small-business tool.

Each deal record can be easily populated to accommodate property, even though the software was not built specifically for the real estate industry.

Team members can also collaborate on contacts, deals and tasks, and Zoho imports your email inbox so you never have to leave the tool to respond to and track customer interactions. Sharp.

MailChimp merging

Speaking of email, on Wednesday Zoho blended MailChimp functionality into its solution. At the same time, it managed to make the email marketing giant’s interface even easier.

New “MailChimp” emails have the look and feel of sending a standard message. Your MailChimp lists are selected from the “To” drop-down menu.

The company recently blended Mailchimp functionality into its solution.

There isn’t an overly involved template design process, which despite MailChimp’s popularity, can be overwhelming for some. Templates and emails can be saved for ongoing use.

The email tracking tools are included, too.

Bird’s-eye view and social scanning

The “contact feed” view is another useful feature, allowing users a complete overview of every interaction, task and deal for each contact.

Zoho has also managed to include a social media management module without frustrating the user. Twitter and Facebook feeds for customers can be viewed and interacted with from within the software.

I find this product to be a compelling middle-ground offering for smaller agents and teams wanting to leverage high-end tools without having to invest a quarter’s worth of commission to do so.

Visit Zoho’s website

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.