
Need help increasing your real estate sales? Try exercising

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As a Realtor, you know the importance of looking your best at work. You take great pains to dress in crispy suits, get smart haircuts and do whatever else is necessary look the part of a successful real estate agent.

However, in spite of your efforts, you feel something just isn’t right. You start slipping, dropping deals and becoming more irritable with your colleagues and clients. Even worse, you find yourself unable to cope with stress at work and it becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate and complete tasks.

When this happens, most Realtors assume they’ve lost their groove. They often attribute their lack of energy and focus to a loss of interest in their work. In some of these cases, the cause of their malaise is something quite simple — lack of exercise.

Staying physically fit can boost work performance

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Most Realtors have a pretty hectic work life. We travel frequently to meet clients, eat on the go and rarely remember to work out. It’s not until our work and bodies suffer that we start paying attention to how the two are connected.

It turns out that exercise plays a much bigger role in improving our performance than most of us think. Spending a few hours working out each week can have some positive career-boosting benefits, including:

Improving brain activity

You know how your energy dips mid-morning or afternoon and you have to rely on coffee to keep going? Well, next time ditch the caffeine and exercise instead. Exercise gets blood flowing to the brain, making you more alert and focused.

As a result, you’ll feel better prepared to take on difficult projects and accomplish more tasks.

Alleviating stress

Realtors always complain that their workload stresses them out. While prioritizing and staying organized can help alleviate this stress, physical fitness works wonders. Working out stimulates the release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones that help lift your mood. As a result, you’ll be less irritable and better able to manage your workload.

Being less stressed also allows you to offer exceptional client service, which will see you craft effective pitches, close more deals and increase your sales.

Helping you sleep better and feel more energetic

Another great benefit of working out is that you’ll end up sleeping better at night and have more energy to dedicate to your work the following day. Exercising produces a pleasant tiredness that results in a deep, restful sleep at night.

Getting plenty of shut-eye at night means you’ll wake up refreshed and energetic. It also enhances your creativity and enables you to function at maximum capacity.

Incorporating simple workouts into your work day

Photo by Sam Sabourin on Unsplash

Knowing the benefits of exercising counts for nothing if you don’t take time to work out. Going to the gym gives you a sense of community with those around you and you can feed off their energy to push yourself harder.

If the gym isn’t an option, you can always find ways to move more throughout your day. For instance, instead of walking to the water cooler or break room, try taking a 10-minute walk around your office block. You’re sure to get back to work feeling fresh and invigorated.

Purchasing a treadmill can also save you time and money. Treadmills are great pieces of equipment because they can help you get an intense workout without ever leaving your home. They can also fit into your office if your company allows.

Shopping around for a great deal can help you save on your purchase and you’ll still receive maximum return on your investment as you reap the health benefits of exercising.

The next time you find your real estate sales dipping, take a look at your life and see if making time for exercise can improve things. At the very least, you’ll be a happier, more focused Realtor, which will go a long way toward improving your work performance.

Jackson Cooper is a writer and real estate enthusiast at Jensen and Company. Follow Jensen & Company on Twitter or Facebook.