
17 must-follow real estate experts on Twitter who’ll help you level up

There’s so much noise out there on how to navigate a challenging market. This April, let Inman help you cut through the clutter to make smart business decisions in real time. All month long, we’re taking it Back to Basics and finding out how real estate pros are evolving their systems and investing personally and professionally to drive growth.

This post was last updated April 7, 2023.

Think back to your biggest wins, and I’m sure you can easily identify a few key factors that led to each of them.

One of those factors is almost certainly that you learned something new, and then applied that knowledge in a way that led to a win that you wouldn’t have achieved without that information.

I’m a huge fan of constant self-improvement. It’s what kept me alive in the Marine Corps and it’s what enabled me to scale my business and thrive through adversity, economic uncertainty and other challenges along the way.

That’s why I’m a big fan of learning from others, both because it helps you to achieve more, and because it helps you to avoid the pain and loss that comes with learning from your own mistakes. Essentially, it leads to greater success, more quickly.

So I’ve compiled a list of some of the smartest people on Twitter in the real estate industry who you should follow if you want to become more effective and successful. These people actively share their knowledge freely on Twitter on real estate topics as well as marketing, operations, and other business topics, which you can learn from and implement in your own business.

I encourage you to give these people a follow and apply the advice they give, and also share their content when it applies to your audience because that will help even more people.

Michael Moreno

One of the things I love about Michael Moreno’s content is that he’s not afraid to take a controversial position and speak his mind.

Beyond that, his feed is a steady stream of actionable advice, along with a hefty dose of humor to keep things interesting. And even though he specializes in healthcare real estate, much of his advice applies to real estate in general.

From the strategic level all the way down to the tactical level, Moreno shares a wealth of knowledge, advice, and resources that will make you more effective in the real estate industry.

Nick Gerli

In addition to tons of great content on Twitter, Nick Gerli also runs one of the top real estate channels on YouTube.

His content is a blend of data, analysis, and advice that will help you adapt to the ever-changing real estate market and thrive in a challenging economy.

And because of his highly engaged audience, you’ll also find lots of insight in the comments on Nick’s tweets too.

Beth Azor

I stumbled across Beth Azor’s profile a few months ago and was impressed with the content she shares on a daily basis.

Her tweets tend to be nuggets of actionable information that any real estate professional can understand and implement immediately to improve their business. And while her focus tends to be geared towards commercial real estate, her content is often applicable to all real estate niches, and even business in general.

Azor is a pipeline for powerful advice delivered in an engaging voice.

Jay Parsons

Jay Parsons is a rental housing economist who understands the market in ways that few others could ever hope to understand.

He has access to data that most people don’t have, and the ability to analyze it and make accurate predictions on how it will affect the rental market, and even the market as a whole. This helps real estate professionals get ahead of market trends and be more resilient to change.

His content will give you information that helps you to make better decisions, faster.

Brandon Doyle

As a Realtor with a deep understanding of home technology, Brandon Doyle brings a unique perspective on the real estate market.

In addition to his content on Twitter, he also writes regularly for Inman, Realtor magazine, and other real estate publications, which he also shares on Twitter. He’s a prolific tweeter, and a smart, but very down to earth guy.

Doyle’s content ranges from what’s working for himself and other agents, along with what technology is worth putting in a home and what’s not.

Amy Nixon

As a Dallas/Fort Worth housing and macroeconomics analyst, Amy Nixon brings a unique perspective to the industry, and connects dots that others don’t even see.

Her insight gives you the information to make decisions holistically, by taking into account more variables and how those variables impact other aspects of the real estate market.

And despite her often data-based approach to content, Nixon’s tweets are fun and engaging as well as informative.

Charles Payne

A lot of you may be thinking, “Charles Payne is a stock guy! What does he know about real estate?”

It’s a fair question, but he actually knows quite a bit about all things financial — including real estate, and talks about it on Twitter as well as on his TV show, Making Money with Charles Payne, but the bigger reason you should follow him is his understanding of the economy as a whole.

The insight Payne brings to the table will help you to identify market trends earlier than your competitors, which gives you a powerful advantage and will help you thrive during economic uncertainty.

Lance Lambert

Lance Lambert is a journalist for Fortune, who covers housing, and frequently posts incredibly deep analysis of what’s going on in the housing market.

He has a talent for digging into mounds of data and extrapolating the often hidden meaning in it to make sound predictions on where the market is going.

If you want to keep your finger on the pulse of the residential housing market, you absolutely need to follow Lambert.

Kim Kiyosaki

If you’ve been in the real estate industry for more than 15 minutes, you don’t need me to tell you who Kim Kiyosaki is.

Currently, as the co-founder and CEO of The Rich Dad Company, she’s on a mission to educate others about real estate and the tremendous power it offers in improving peoples’ financial situations. Her content often focuses on real estate, but she also shares more general business and life advice, with an emphasis on serving women.

The knowledge you’ll gain by following Kiyosaki will help you build a better business and a more financially independent life.

Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is one of those people you either love or hate, but he’s also one of those people who you should listen to whether you like him or not.

He consistently achieves things others said are impossible, and he is a near-genius when it comes to real estate.

Cardone has an unparalleled depth of real estate knowledge, but he’s also a beast when it comes to sales, marketing, business strategy and overcoming adversity.

Darryl Davis

While he started as an agent, Darryl Davis quickly dominated his local market through a combination of powerful communication and sales skills, which led to his true passion and mission—to teach other real estate professionals how to become more effective communicators and salespeople.

His tweets are packed with actionable advice on how to become a more effective speaker, which applies to networking, prospecting, and negotiations, just as much as it does to speaking on stage, as well as advice on all aspects of sales and negotiations.

Davis’ content is both informative and uplifting, which is a breath of fresh air on social media today.

Barbara Corcoran

Known as the New York City Real Estate Queen, and also for her role on SharkTank and as the host of Business Unusual, Barbara Corcoran is one of the best-known professionals in the real estate industry today.

She has the ability to make complex information simple, and give advice that almost anyone can implement right now to become more successful.

Corcoran’s tweets are a mix of real estate, business, and life advice, based on her own massive success.

Dr. David Phelps

Dentist-turned real estate investor, Dr. David Phelps, has become a widely recognized real estate and financial expert because of the knowledge he regularly shares.

He frequently shares real estate advice, as well as data, analysis, and predictions on the larger economic picture as well. In fact, his financial expertise is so respected that he was recently invited to help the Florida Department of Education develop its new financial literacy curriculum that is going to be introduced into all K-12 schools.

Phelps’ content is profound and actionable, and brings to the table the cool and calm wisdom of an experienced professional who has been through all the ups and downs the industry can throw at someone over the span of several decades.

Dedric & Krystal Polite

Dedric and Krystal Polite are the power couple behind A&E’s hit real estate show, 50/50 Flip.

Both are active real estate investors with a long and proven track record of success in the real estate industry. The advice they share is practical and will help you to get things right and avoid costly and time consuming mistakes, and it’s not just on Twitter! Their TV show is a masterclass in real estate investing.

Dedric and Krystal regularly share valuable advice on real estate that’s applicable to the newbie as well as experienced real estate professionals, delivered with a “no-fluff” style and a healthy dose of humor.

Rick Palacios Jr.

With a passion for data, Rick Palacios, helps his audience to understand what’s going on in the real estate industry, and more importantly, what’s coming next.

His ability to interpret data and explain exactly what it means for the market in a way that anyone can understand is impressive and will give you the ability to respond to market changes so that you can become more effective and successful.

Palacios’ content is a valuable resource for data-driven real estate professionals.

Dolmar Cross

Dolmar Cross is an outspoken and charismatic real estate investor, as well as the host of A&E’s hit TV show, Zombie House Flipping.

Both on Twitter and on TV, he shares valuable real estate advice, often delivered with his unique sense of humor to keep it even more interesting and engaging. As one of the top real estate investors in the country, he is widely recognized for his expertise.

Follow Cross on Twitter if you want a better understanding of the real estate industry. Just don’t ask him about his screen name on Zoom. (There’s an inside joke there that maybe he’ll reveal on TV someday.)

Jeremy Knauff is the founder of Spartan Media, a speaker, author and Marine Corps veteran.