
The top 9 video marketing trends for Realtors in 2017

Yulia Grigoryeva /

Marketers have said it before: “This is the year that video content marketing will explode!”

While over time this has become more true, in 2017 video will no longer be a luxury but a marketing necessity for your content strategy.

Often the reluctance toward video creation stems from the time, money and expertise it requires. Most people don’t start shooting videos because they don’t know how, don’t have the equipment, don’t think they’ll be good at it or simply aren’t aware of its value.

If you’re a Realtor or marketer who has one of these apprehensions, start paying close attention — because that’s where your customers are and how they prefer to receive their information.

A marketer’s job is to listen to the masses and give them what they want. By ignoring video content marketing, you’re telling your clients that you don’t care about them.

With 2016 about to come to a close, let’s get into the specifics and see what trends will continue to develop and emerge in 2017.

One word: authenticity

Here’s a secret that explains why video marketing is the champion of the internet.

It’s an idea pioneered by social media heavyweights like Gary Vaynerchuk: People want the truth. And video offers the best medium for people to connect and experience who you are and what you have to offer.

The beauty nowadays is you don’t have to be Steven Spielberg or some heavily trained video editor in to create good videos.

You don’t need the best equipment. You don’t need $10,000. All you need is your iPhone and the acceptance that it’s not going to be perfect.

Being perfect doesn’t win. Being transparent and honest with your clients does.

Facebook video will be huge

The trend toward native video on social media has reached an all-time high. Even Twitter incorporated a video posting option, and now 82 percent of Twitter users say they watch video content on the platform, according to SocialMediaToday.

Facebook, where users consume 8 billion videos per day, is no different. We can only expect this number to increase in 2017.

The quality of engagement is much higher on Facebook, which is leading the video charge. Audiences are eating up this content. So get into the mix and post videos natively on this social media giant.

The opportunity for conversations with your consumers and the ability to better understand what your customers are thinking, wanting and needing through comment threads is vital to your business.

Pro tip: Research from multiple video publishers shows that 85 percent percent of Facebook video is watched without sound. This is because consumers want to view videos without interrupting whatever they’re doing (working in an office, hanging out with friends, etc.) So it’s in your best interest to offer captions that narrate the content. 

More live videos

Live streaming has finally gone mainstream.

The door to live videos opened with platforms like Periscope, and now this trend is about to explode for marketers.

The opportunity to view information, products, services and deals in real time imparts massive urgency on consumers.

Instagram recently launched its live stream option, which has produced big interest for influencers, brands and companies.

But Facebook is leading the charge here, yet again! Facebook Live launched a couple months ago and will be huge for marketers, considering Facebook’s high engagement among consumers.

For real estate agents, Facebook Live allows you to engage your Facebook audience in real time without having to “create” something. You have the ability to simply document what you’re doing.

For example, say it’s the middle of the winter and you live somewhere with harsh weather. You have an open house coming up and are worried that nobody will be able to attend.

With Facebook Live, you could get prospective clients to attend — virtually! Although it might be tough to close a deal this way, it will begin the early stages of building trust and interest around what you’re selling.

Videos that entertain

Let’s be honest: Not everyone views real estate as the most interesting industry on the planet!

Gary Vaynerchuk stresses that you can make any industry exciting, particularly through video.

Consumers are bombarded with information online, so simply giving them informative content is not enough. You must be seen, be bold and different.

That’s why video marketing is moving toward a combination of education and entertainment. More Realtors are using videos to promote their listings and open houses, so to get ahead of the competition, find a way to make yours more interesting than the competition’s.

Multi-channel marketing

Need evidence that video is bigger than ever? Consider the ultimate photo app, Instagram, and text-driven Twitter. Both now integrate video content. 

Your clients are on multiple social media channels, often at the same time, and they’re consuming video content more than any other content medium.

As a marketer, align yourself with consumer habits by setting up a video content calendar and staying consistent in 2017.

Get clever and efficient: Repurpose video content on multiple channels in a way that best suits a particular platform to maximize your reach.

For a complete breakdown of different video content types and strategies across multiple platforms, read this article by social media expert Jeff Bullas.

Email and video join forces

Expect the popularity of video content in email marketing campaigns to skyrocket in 2017.

Statistics from SocialMediaToday drive this point home. Using the word “video” in an email subject line:

  • Boosts open rates by 19 percent
  • Increases click-through rates by 65 percent
  • Reduces unsubscribes by 26 percent

And actually including a video in the email increases click-through rates by 200 to 300 percent.

Generic and impersonal email blasts don’t help you stand out from all the spam people receive on a regular basis.

With video, your email message to consumers comes across as more thoughtful, personalized and authentic.

Action step: It’s finally time to break up that boring monthly newsletter you send out into smaller, weekly emails that incorporate video.

More virtual reality and 360-degree videos

By now, most real estate agents and marketers have heard about virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree videos, but in 2017, these tools will no longer be trade show gimmicks; they will become the norm.

In October, added VR compatibility to about 85,000 of its 3-D models. Agents can now incorporate VR stations into their offices or hold VR broker’s opens.

So every Realtor should start learning about these video content types. Soon, they will be requirements to keep up with industry standards. 

Highly target niche video content 

In 2017, strategically begin deploying highly targeted real estate content in your niche market. 

Find and list types of buyers and sellers — then make a personalized video sharing information about topics of interest.

If you are in Minneapolis, for example, create a video about the new trends in modern townhouses; your goal would be to target potential young first-time homeowners.

Highly targeted real estate videos can increase your brand awareness and also generate organic traffic for niche searches.

Storytelling in motion

The cinema proves that video offers one of the best ways to tell stories. Video content builds excitement, nurtures relationships and motivates your audience.

As a Realtor, video content is a great way to build rapport and trust in your abilities. The trust-building video strategy can be done through client video testimonials or case studies that show your process of selling a house or making a deal.

Closing thoughts

In summary, videos evoke an emotional response in consumers, which means they are more likely to remember you.

If you aren’t already executing a large portion of your content marketing strategy into videos, it’s time to start shooting.

Grant Findlay-Shirras is the CEO of and the Local Leader Real Estate Marketing System. Follow Grant on Instagram and Twitter @GrantFSofficial.

Email Grant Findlay-Shirras.