
What happened when I Connected: Already counting down the days until ICSF!

We recently caught up with Julie Tambussi, director of marketing and business development at Savvy + Co. Real Estate in Charlotte, North Carolina, to ask her to share some of her experiences at Inman Connect New York.

We asked Tambussi to describe what it was like to be an Inman Ambassador and to get her advice on how she made the best of her time during the conference.

What was your favorite session, and why?

I had several favorites. Dick Costolo, former CEO of Twitter and founder of Chorus, was definitely a highlight. He focused on the three qualities necessary for navigating the constantly evolving world of social media: meaningful engagement, being authentic and great storytelling.

These top skills are crucial for people and businesses who want to break through the online noise and help build and retain audiences.

John Henry’s inspiring “Being a Doorman Helped Me Understand the World” was a standout as well. His story was remarkable, and he delivered a powerful message on the value of honing our personal perspectives and leaning into our own unique viewpoints.

He also said one of the most memorable lines of the conference: “There’s riches in niches” — a reminder that you don’t need to market your business to the entire world but instead focus on relationships as your social currency.

Chelsea Peitz (“Camera First Branding Strategies”) and Sharran Srivatsaa (“Connect 10 x 10: Simple & Elegant Hacks to Fortify Your Business“) delivered all-star presentations too.

They had confidence, passion, a connection with the audience, and they delivered strong content with actionable, key takeaways. I can’t wait to see them on stage again.

How did this Connect compare to previous events or other real estate conferences you’ve been to?

On the Inman Coast to Coast Facebook page earlier this month, Brad Inman promised that ICNY would be one of the best programs ever, and his team definitely delivered.

This was truly one of the best Connects yet. In addition to having talented speakers, powerful presentations and being intensely interactive, there was an optimism and supportive atmosphere that surrounded this conference unlike any I had seen before.

Also, I have to give a shoutout to the graphics department at Inman on the subway branding with the “Connect” theme. They did a stellar job!

What was the most meaningful thing you took away from your time at Connect?

When Simon Sinek spoke about his “why,” it really resonated with me: “To inspire people to do the things that inspire them, so together each of us can change our world together.”

Leaders and organizations have a responsibility to inspire people, and Simon did a fantastic job explaining how leadership isn’t about being in charge, but instead, taking care of those in your charge.

With that amount of trust, we need to demand more from our leaders, something Brad Inman emphasized at the town hall session on Friday. These ideas on leadership have made quite an impression on me, and I’m making a concentrated effort to implement them in my own organization.

Which session surprised you the most?

Sally Kohn of CNN and Kristen Soltis Anderson of The Pollsters. They each delivered lively, thought-provoking presentations on the political issues, uncertainty and frustrations many people are feeling today. It was refreshing to hear from both sides.

What was your favorite experience outside of the speakers and sessions?

The social events hosted by the Inman Ambassadors! From the first-timers meetup to the Ambassador lunches, I cherished every moment spent with my fellow Inman Ambassadors and ICNY attendees.

The Inman Ambassadors are a smart, passionate and dynamic group of people who truly embrace the spirit of connection. I am incredibly grateful for the time I spent last week at ICNY with friends, both old and new, outside of the speakers and sessions. I’m already counting down the days until ICSF!

Want to connect with Julie Tambussi? You can find her on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Email Matthew Shadbolt