
Top 10 posts from last week

jakkapan /

Top story of the week:

1. Do you have what it takes to become a mega-producer? 

What characteristics separate mega-producers from all the rest? More importantly, what steps can you take to put yourself on the path to stellar production?

Also most read:

2. Re/Max announces co-CEO arrangement
3. Could you work a regular 9-to-5 job after real estate?
4. Referral fees: The good, the bad and the ugly
5. Homes with this color bathroom sell for $5,400 more
6. Minority middle-class families priced out of homeownership
7. 4 ways to make every transaction more human
8. Former agent Todd Kohlhepp pleads guilty to murder charges
9. How to merge your real estate brokerage without regrets
10. Why it’s time to make room for the emancipated MLS