An appraisal contract with blueprints
It all starts with reasonable pricing, knowing the comparables and advising clients properly
by Andrew Wetzel Mar 29
An irritated man looking out his window
And what agents can do to restore a sense of balance to the process
by Andrew Wetzel Jan 6
When is the best time to sell your client's house?
Part of a listing agent's challenge is 'qualifying' the seller
by Andrew Wetzel Jan 3
3 times serendipity got me the real estate listing
When skill, timing and a dash of luck can work in your favor
by Andrew Wetzel Dec 30
Why trust is the basis for every real estate transaction
As contracts become more complicated, the agreement between parties is something far simpler
by Andrew Wetzel Dec 28
A home inspector in a new property
The inspection contingency is typically the first on the sales timeline
by Andrew Wetzel Dec 22
price reduction
When sellers determine their asking price, they pick their competition
by Andrew Wetzel Dec 2
price reduction
A price reduction could be pointless
by Andrew Wetzel Nov 16
A door swinging open
4 buyer unknowns agents can battle with preparation
There's so much more to buying a home than making an offer and moving in
by Andrew Wetzel Nov 3